Domino Ireland @DominoAdventure: 2022 Masquerade Tribute Contributor’s Sneak Peek

THE HAREBRAINED PLAN by Domino Ireland @dominoAdventure is the fourth of the 2022 Masquerade Tribute contributor’s sneak peeks. There are a total of six different treasure hunts, with six different treasures to claim, in this year’s tribute. All proceeds are given to four great charities. PLUS, there are lots of …

Found Treasures: Six Questions with Finders of the Three Heartland Stones of The Ruby Hunt by TC Treasure

The following Six Questions segment captures everything about the true adventures, excitement, joy, challenge, camaraderie, and victory, about this incredible hobby of Treasure Hunting. The successful journey and ending to The Ruby Hunt by ‘Johannes’ are told by those who lived the tale, and now have memories for a lifetime! …