incredible hunt armchair treasure hunt

Congrats to the winners of the FIRST of SIX treasures in The Incredible Hunt.  One of six, $10,000 cash prizes, has been claimed (7/7/22) by a team named The Incredibles. No worry, though. There are still FIVE left to solve and $50,000 cash yet to claim.  Will you solve the clues on one of the other five cards in the box, and claim it’s treasure of $10,000?

So how was Card 6 Solved?  Here is what we know.

On the card was an image of a scroll with 10 numbers; 5 numbers in two columns.  A phone number was found by simply following the arrows between the numbers in the columns.  A Hunter, who had purchased the box and registered their own phone number on The Incredible Hunt’s website, then called this number. They were given instructions, that before receiving the clue, they must send ‘the message’. 

Texting, instead of calling this same number, would cause the Hunter to be placed on the Hunt’s Leaderboard – indicating another step for the card was achieved and that the message should be a text.

What was ‘The Message?’  This turned out to be a six digit number calculated by the same scroll of numbers that the phone number was determined by.  But instead of following arrows, a Hunter needed to first add, then subtract, add, subtract, and add for the ‘message’ to send. 309316.

This Message was then texted, and an automatic reply of ‘step passed’ was given.  The leaderboard would also indicate this.  To further the game, Hunters needed to then call the original number again – which triggered a new message giving a string of letters.

This string needed decoded by the Caesar Cipher – a shift revealing, in reverse, EnterMeForLocation.

Like a previously solved puzzle in the hunt, this ‘title’ would lead to a hidden page on the hunt’s website. It was added to

Once here, a Hunter was asked for his Hunter number and to enter the secret code.  The page title, and previous decode of ‘entermeforlocation’, hinted to what needed to be entered.  YOUR NAME (as given when placing your order).

This progressed to the last step which was an audio saying go back to the beginning.

In the box, was a promo card that included a faint message: ‘Your order confirmation email contains a clue necessary for solving Card 6”

In the order confirmation email were strange letters of XAPCONAVTE. It was assumed this was the clue.

Thinking X marks the spot, and dropping it, to next only using APCONAVTE with the original phone number, 2188453679, and taking the 2nd letter, P. 1st letter A, 8and8 letters, TT, and so on – spelled out:


With directions and poem on the map, the treasure was found at this location in Indiana.

So recap: Phone number > Text that number > Text the correct Message (which was a number) > This then triggered a Hunter to receive a reply with a String of Letters when calling the original number > Decode the string and add that to the Hunt’s web address to access a page which asked for another code > Your name was the code > Received audio saying go back to the beginning > use the XAPCONAVTE letters in confirmation email of order with original number called to find location to decode PATTON CAVE> use poem and map to pinpoint exact location of hidden chest.

Congrats to THE INCREDIBLES…. the winning team for following those steps and discovering the Chest!

What might the other five Cards involve? Join the Adventures!