This segment offers entertaining puzzles to solve each week. It is known the best way to get better at something is through Practice. The MW Puzzle Fun releases are geared to those often used in armchair treasure hunts and other puzzling games. Below is another MW Puzzle Fun for you to enjoy! Might it help you find a treasure?!

MWPF#28: Discover a location from the clues listed. Submit your answer to before next Monday (8/1/22). Answer will be posted with next week’s Puzzle Fun.

The previous MW Puzzle Fun is found below. A Puzzler needed to discover the hidden word. Can you solve it? Congrats all those who submitted a correct answer – which is following the image.

codes and ciphers

The answer can be found by first noticing the four numbers within the scattered letters are 1618. 1.618 is the Golden Ratio. It relates to the Fibonacci Sequence of 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55, 89…. Drawing lines from the numbers of this sequence, indicated by the clock minutes, pinpoints letters. Starting in reverse at 55, or spelling backwards from 1, they spell MYSTERIOUS. The answer to MW Puzzle Fun #27.