armchair treasure hunt books

When taking a look at an armchair treasure hunt book or puzzle for the first time, it can seem confusing and a bit overwhelming. Over the last year, during Six Questions,  I’ve been asking experienced armchair treasure hunters and creators, what advice they might give to those enjoying the hobby of armchair treasure hunts and solving puzzles.  

Below is a consolidation of those thoughts. Whether new or old to the adventures, considering these tips might help you break through to the solution of your next puzzle – and claim a treasure!

1) Look at How Past Treasure Hunts Were Solved

While the exact path for discovering information and solving a puzzle won’t be the same from one armchair treasure hunt to another, getting familiar with how information was hidden in past puzzles expands the mind. Looking at past solutions helps greatly in considering paths for a new hunt.  You’ll discover the many options used, which will spur thoughts for new possibilities in the hunt you are working on.

There is a list of Past Treasure Hunts Here: Solved Treasure Hunts with Solutions

2) Become Familiar with Basic Codes, Ciphers, and Puzzles

Many creators might utilize basic codes and ciphers to hide information. While the information found might not be the final reveal to a location for the hidden treasure, they might offer leads on how to pursue and help get searchers engaged and minds in gear.

Also, becoming familiar with the basics encoding concepts will help you better recognize cryptic techniques being used in a hunt. The details, hints, clues, and other methods will pop out more to you – with practice. This is information that will help solve a puzzle, and possibly be the one to find a treasure.

It does take time. So if at first you know nothing about how information could be hidden, or what codes there could be, applying tip 1 – looking at past solutions of armchair treasure hunts and puzzles helps out with that A LOT.

3) Become Familiar with Different Terms used in Armchair Treasure Hunting

There are a few terms searchers involved in the hobby should be aware of their meaning. For instance, like the difference between a rabbit hole, red herring, or coincidence.

Other armchair treasure hunting terms might be Fully Armchair, BOTG, or GE. (Treasure Hunting Terms)

4) Create a List of Resources You Can Go To

Google is a definite friend in many of the hunts today.  Often research on a location, person, or other topic is needed to discover additional leads in a puzzle.

Also, if you find a possible code, online resources can help you easily decode them.  Seems many searchers use DCODE (in English or French)

Archives are also a great research tool. Make a Treasure Hunter Resource List.

5) Try to Understand The Hunt Setter’s Mindset

If possible, try to learn more about the creator of the hunt. Had they created other hunts in the past? Were they inspired by any past puzzles? What do they enjoy or what is their employment?  Any of these things can possibly offer a clue to how they may craft a puzzle. They may be code and cipher heavy, or they may like wordplay and metaphors. They may like both.

The MW Six Questions with treasure hunt creators offers some of this general background, while respecting a creator’s privacy. PLEASE – always remember to respect a creator’s privacy FIRST.

6) Solutions are Usually Simple in Hindsight, or Follow a Methodical Approach

Any huge leaps or long complicated processes towards solving a puzzle might be a red flag you have fallen down a rabbit hole (see tip 3). These might be difficult to crawl back out of. But if you’ve been digging the hole for sometime and it just keeps getting deeper and deeper, without an end and no success, it is time to come back up for fresh air. This leads into the next Tip.

7) Be Aware of Confirmation Bias and Coincidences

Confirmation bias is defined as ‘the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.’  The is common obstacle for all searchers.  Try not to fall in love with any one idea that you neglect to see others, and possibly the simpler and intentional clues to a solution.

Also, some seemingly clues, hints, connective items, anomalies, etc. could be coincidence or totally unintended as well by the creator.  I’ve seen incredible solutions to puzzles, where everything fits, but YET be wrong.  The actual solution fit just as perfect, but was TOTALLY different to that of other ideas.  So beware – and always keep an open mind for other paths in a hunt- Especially, if hitting a roadblock on one currently being followed.

8) Don’t Give Up. Take a Break if Needed or Realize The Hunt isn’t ‘Your Type’.

Every searcher hits roadblocks. This is a normal process to puzzle solving. The goal is to overcome those obstacles. One of the ways to do this is to take a break.  Fresh eyes are often one of the best assets. 

There are also some puzzles, for whatever reason, that you just might not be able to get in the flow for. Sit it out.  These days, there are many different types of hunts and puzzles available, that you don’t have to do any single one – because it’s NOT the only one. 

Find the types you enjoy, and have at it.  It may not be the one most worked on, but you will treasure the adventure more. The road less traveled might turn out to be more valuable than the one that is well worn. Treasures, of all kinds, can be found everywhere – and in many ways.

9) Join Discussion Groups and Ask QuestionsGet Your Quest On!

Don’t hesitate to get involved in the community. Many searchers are willing to answer questions, share helpful hints, or throw out thoughts to spark other ideas. MW has a few channels where searchers can chat with others working on a multitude of different treasure hunts and puzzles. There is the MW Forum, Discord Channel, or Treasure Hunt Facebook Group. Hope to see you there!

10) Enjoy the Journey or as MW says, ‘Always Treasure the Adventure’

Puzzling is supposed to be fun. Try to never get too caught up in the hunt that you neglect ‘real life’. Remember, it’s just a puzzle and is meant to offer a fun family time – not be a chore or stressful.

The Beale Papers (1885) contain a message warning of such.  It is as follows:

“Again, never as I have done, sacrifice your own and your family’s interests to what may prove an illusion; but, as I have already said, when your day’s work is done, and you are comfortably seated by your good fire, a short time devoted to the subject can injure no one, and may bring its reward.”

The above, to realize no fantasy for riches is worth sacrificing true treasures for, may be the real reward of the Beale Papers- and any other treasure hunt or puzzle.


armchair treasure hunt
armchair treasure hunts book
armchair treasure hunt
armchair treasure hunt cracked by professor f

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