armchair treasure hunt cracked by professor f

For those not familiar with either Cracked or The Whistle Pig, both are armchair treasure hunts that involve the finding of a Key within the chapters of their books for a prize. Multiple Keys in the case of Cracked by Professor F.

They both have insightful, charming, and entertaining tales within their books. Treasures in themselves. And each hunt requires diving deep into their stories to discover clues leading to the solution of the puzzle. We are told that every line, word, paragraph might nudge a searcher to the goal; the discovery of Keys which are hidden cleverly within the pages.

In the Whistle Pig (by Professor Miller) are the following comments offering advice on how to find its key: “Without steadfast rules and armed with only vague instructions, you will be forced to open your mind to accept any reference as possible guidance” , “Pay close attention and you will perceive the greater picture. But be vigilant! Pieces come in many forms” and “Go ahead. Test your perseverance.”

This seems like worthy advice for Cracked as well.

One of the biggest differences between the hunts, however, is in the fact of what they offer as a prize.

For the Whistle Pig, it is said the value of the Key will be realized in its physical location. It is unknown what the Key leads to.  

For Cracked, the value of its Keys is realized when opening a Bitcoin Wallet. Cracked offers the challenge to use the 12 Keywords discovered within its pages to claim a crypto wallet-  currently valued at around $15,000 (depending on the price of Bitcoin).

Don’t get discouraged if you know nothing about Bitcoin though.  The book, Cracked, is ultimately a puzzle, challenging you to discover 12 Keywords. Once these are found you then use them to open the wallet and claim whatever amount is in there. I’m sure by then you will be able to figure out how to do that.

This cryptocurrency element makes it a modern day treasure hunt, and a different animal than the Whistle Pig.

While both hunts have you scouring through their pages, searching for any subtle hint, anomaly, or connection which might lead to the solution, Cracked offers Bitcoin. Something that wasn’t even available when the Whistle Pig was first released!

The Whistle Pig was released in 2004, and remains uncracked to this day!  Cracked was recently released in the Spring of 2021. When will either be cracked?

And hey, the creators are both Professors….hmmm….. 

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  • Released March, 2021, by Professor F
  • Clues within a Book (Available on Amazon $15)
  • Fully Armchair: Need to Discover 12 passwords for Bitcoin Wallet
  • Treasure is Bitcoin Wallet (currently $15,000)
  • No end date

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