Chance to Win Forgotten History Hunts’ Silver Hare Pendant Memento for The Masquerade Tribute

As one of the generous and talented contributors of The Masquerade Tribute, Forgotten History Hunts has created another fun puzzle for searchers to enjoy!  The ‘Masquerade Maze’ is added fun for the holiday!  If you are registered for The Masquerade Tribute, you can take part in this mystery puzzle! All …

MW Spotlight #17: The MW Diamond Scroll Armchair Treasure Hunts and Diamond Scroll #2

Ten Treasure Hunts celebrating MW’s upcoming 10th Anniversary Year! First hunt released in The Masquerade Tribute of hunts: 3/20/21 Last hunt released on 2/13/22: MW’s 10 year anniversary date! (Other hunts released between these two dates- to be announced) Hunts vary from being BOTG and Full Armchair One of the Treasures for …

MW Spotlight #14: 52 Master Pieces Helps Get You Primed for Finding Hidden Treasure Caches and Solving Armchair Treasure Hunts

As mentioned in my article on ‘How to Get Started in Armchair Treasure Hunting’, two of the best ways to get started in treasure hunting is to- Look at how past hunts have been solved….and Practicing solving puzzles and ciphers The website 52 Master Pieces .com  has them both! The …

Six Questions with David Cohen on Solving MasterMind: A True Armchair Treasure Hunt by Jason Griffin

One of the best ways to get started and learn about Armchair Treasure Hunting is to look at past solutions for treasure hunts.  Although the solutions will not be the same, they may hold similar elements and methods.  They will get you thinking outside the box and demonstrate different ways …