armchair treasure hunt book



Leveret is Off and Running!

“The Story of Leveret: An Enchanting Hare”, a new armchair treasure hunt co-authored by Beth Hovanec and William Gardner was released on Earth Day. The 96-page, full color book was received by treasure hunters in more than thirty states this past week. Reviews of the book have been extremely positive with compliments about the story, the art and the “daunting” puzzles!

Here are some of the comments that were posted on the Mysterious Writings forum:

Beth & William, You’ve outdone yourself!      –jminnesota          Such a great book! It’s beautiful and fun!   –beefaghetti                                         

I wanted to mention that I really appreciate the quality of the book itself. Every time I turn the pages I can feel the quality of the stock, the coating, etc.  ~ susb8383

Inspired by Michael Stadthler’s wildly popular, “A Treasure’s Trove”, the narrative of this new treasure hunt also features creatures and insects in an enchanted forest. And like Stadthler’s hunt, the prizes include gems made into hand-made jewelry like those very creatures!

Prizes also include the original artwork and some monetary prizes.

The BOTG (Boots On The Ground) treasure hunt requires you to follow the clues in the book to lead you to real locations in the Continental United States to search for a mysterious token with something written on it.

This book was almost a year in the making. Bill and Beth, seasoned treasure hunters themselves, took their time hiding the tokens, designing the puzzles, crafting the story, and creating the artwork. Some puzzles will be easier than others to solve. But regardless if you win a prize or not, you will be sure to have hours of entertainment, and a beautiful book which is a treasure in itself.

To purchase the treasure hunting book, send $35 through PayPal to

More information, including the rules and other details, can be found on the Mysterious Writings forum! Hop on over!

Good luck to all searchers!