The Contributors of The First Annual Masquerade Tribute: Bill Gardner of Kodeword Kards and Puzzled Pint

MW continues this segment on The Contributors of The First Masquerade Tribute with Bill Gardner of Kodeword Kards!   In a previous MW Six Questions with Bill, we learned he had explored numerous different treasure hunts and puzzles over the years, and in doing so, had come up with lots of …

The Contributors of The First Annual Masquerade Tribute: Robert Brewer of The Lost Skull Treasure Hunt

In the fall of 2019, Robert Brewer launched The Lost Skull Armchair Treasure Hunt.  The treasure of that hunt was a Marble Skull, along with $1000 cash!  There were additional follow-up prizes as well, and all were claimed by the spring of 2020. Robert had combined his skills as a …

Higher and Higher, The Diamond Scrolls of Mysterious Writings, and The Treasure Chest Project

The book, Higher and Higher, encourages young listeners (and readers) to seek higher and higher, gaze beyond the furthest stars, and to travel where dreams wait to be discovered. But the book also sparked the question, ‘What happens to those wishes made upon the stars?’ Surely they’re not lost there……cast …