MW’s Codes and Ciphers Series: The Keyword Polybius Square in The Ultimate Quest Armchair Treasure Hunt

The Ultimate Quest, published in 2001, was an armchair treasure hunt book. It has since been discontinued and remains an unsolved treasure hunt of today. The Prize was to be ‘a priceless replica of the Grail cup’. In order to have claimed the ‘Grail’, searchers needed to discover the contact …

MW September GiveAway and Six Questions with S.P. ‘Stephen’ Grogan: Author of Vegas Die: A Quest Mystery (and Armchair Treasure Hunt)

Stephen Grogan launches another exciting quest for treasure with the republishing of his mystery thriller, Vegas Die.  A recovered Spanish Coin, from the 1680 shipwreck of ‘El Salvador y San Jose’, is hidden somewhere in the Las Vegas Valley, and while a treasure in itself, if found, can be used …

MW’s Codes and Cipher Series: The Polybius Square in the Wizard of Oz Armchair Treasure Hunt

MW’s Codes and Ciphers Series continues to introduce different examples of how codes, ciphers, riddles, and puzzles have been used to hide clues in armchair treasure hunts.  This helps both new and old treasure hunters get their creative minds in gear.  It may even help you recognize a secret message …