An exciting new armchair treasure hunt entitled The Letters of St. Germain is set for release on 2-27-2021.  The date coincides with the death of this legendary character! 

Quick Summary:

  • Released 2/27/2021
  • Clues within a book (available on Amazon)
  • BOTG required to retrieve proxy (Mainland USA)
  • Treasure is the precious Horn of Magistrum
  • No End Date

To find the unique treasure, searchers must read the book, follow the journey of Comte de St. Germain, and discover the final location of the hidden proxy.  Clues to Nine Locations in North America, where St. Germain traveled, are key to claiming the Horn of Magistrum. 

Searchers must submit the nine locations St. Germain traveled, to the creators of the hunt on The Letters of St. Germain website.  If submitted correctly, the final clue will be provided. This clue will reveal the precise location of the proxy for a searcher to go retrieve and claim the Treasure. 

While the city or town can be discovered by solving the nine clues (by arranging the first letters correctly), it is this final clue that reveals all!

Get ready to join the adventures!