armchair treasure hunt


The Incredible Hunt, created by Nick Owens, launched in June 2022. Six Treasures, each with a treasure of $10,000 cash, were hidden somewhere in the USA. Clues to discover the locations of these treasures are found within a box – which can be purchased for $45 on the hunt’s website.

Inside the Hunt Box are 6 different cards, a map (with poems), and some other hunt materials. Follow the clues to each different location and claim the treasure! The actual $10,000 cash is NOT hidden. On site is a proxy item used to claim the cash once found.

THREE of the Six Treasures (CARD #2, Card #5, and CARD #6) have been claimed. THREE CARDS yet to solve. (UPDATED 4/24)

incredible hunt armchair treasure hunt

Links to more posts on The Incredible Hunt here on MW:

Six Questions with Nick Owens on The Incredible Hunt

The First of Six Treasures in The Incredible Hunt Found: The Solution to Card #6

The Second of Six Treasures Found: Solution to Card #2

Found Treasure: Six Questions with Mindy and Stealth on CARD #2 of The Incredible Hunt

incredible hunt armchair treasure hunt

Summary of Solution to Card #6: The Final Test of The Incredible Hunt

The treasure for Card #6: The Final Test was found in Bloomington, Indiana, Patton Cave – July 7, 2022. Searchers followed the path of clues that began from Card #6 to claim the cash. Below is a brief summary of the steps involved. Congrats to the team who named themselves: The Incredibles, who successfully solved all the clues to discover the hidden chest to claim the cash.

STEPS: (for a more complete explanation of clues for Card #6 go here)

Searchers called a phone number found from numbers on the card. Message revealed that a ‘Message needed sent before receiving the next clue.’

Searchers sent a text to that initial number found. This confirmed they would need to send a text. When the correct Message (which was a number) was sent, this then triggered a Hunter to receive a reply with a String of Letters – when calling back the original number.

Searchers decoded the string (via a Caesar Shift) and added that solution to the Hunt’s web address to access a page which asked for another code.

The hunter’s name was the code. Searchers received an audio saying go back to the beginning.

Inside the box was a welcome card which stated a hunter’s confirmation email of purchase (sent at the beginning) contained a clue. In that email were the strange XAPCONAVTE letters. These letters were reordered by the original phone number called. They revealed the location to PATTON CAVE.

Searchers finally used the correct poem and map to pinpoint exact location of hidden chest.

Video released on The Incredible Hunt’s channel:

Summary of Solution to Card #2: The Wheel of The Incredible Hunt

The treasure for Card #2: The Wheel was found in Nimblewill Gap, Georgia – July 13, 2022. Searchers followed the path of clues that began from Card #2. Below is a brief summary of the steps solved to the claim the treasure. Congrats to Mindy and Stealth! (Six Questions with Finders and Nick)

STEPS: (For a more complete explanation of clues for Card #2 go here)

Searchers called a phone number found by Morse Code given on the card. They received a rhyming message with a list of numbers once calling that number.

The numbers in the message were applied to the Beale Papers, which were hinted at in the rhyming message. Another phone number was found. Searchers texted and called this number. A message asking for a ‘FOUR DIGIT YEAR’ was heard.

Once searchers texted the correct 4 digit year, and called, they received the message – 2X7. The initial phone number contained the numbers 2837. The X / 83 was replaced with another number, found again using the Beale Papers.

This new phone number was called. A string of numbers were given which were used on THE WHEEL of the card to discover the location: Nimblewill Gap

Searchers used the map, with correct poem, to lead them to the treasure.

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