What is Xavier MarX and The Missing Masterpieces Armchair Treasure Hunt?
A new armchair treasure hunt called Xavier Marx and the Missing Masterpieces has been released on Amazon. Clues are hidden within the children’s story and images created by Sean Cronin, Hilary Genga, and Sara Martin. If a reader finds and solves those clues, and then discovers the proxy item hidden somewhere in the US, they can claim the $10,000 cash prize.
The treasure hunt benefits the International Child Art Foundation and features artwork from children around the world.
Enjoy the story, join the adventure, and search for treasure! Who will be the one to claim the $10,000?
Where are the Clues to find the Treasure of the book of Xavier MarX?

Six Questions with Sean Cronin: Co-Creator of Xavier MarX Treasure Hunt
Clip from the Six Questions:
” All the clues needed to solve the treasure hunt are in the book. In addition we have released bonus clues which are visible on our Instagram. To date we have three bonus clues – from Jason Alexander (George from Seinfeld), Clancy Brown (Mr. Krabs from Spongebob), and Daymond John (Shark Tank). These will help you with the hunt but you could solve the hunt without them.”
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Quick Recap on Xavier Marx Treasure Hunt

Xavier MarX and the Missing Masterpieces
- Released 10/27/21 Sean Cronin
- Clues within a book: Available on AMAZON ($19)
- A proxy item is hidden somewhere in the contiguous United States
- Treasure is $10,000 cash
- No end date