Congrats to SmokeScreen!  He has solved the Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion Treasure Hunt #6!  Chris, (SmokeScreen) sent in the following:

“I believe the answer you seek for latest riddle is:

An 1842 dime

The riddle seems to fit the story from the 2015 FF resource page on MW: (Chatting with Forrest)

While studying an 1885 Arapahoe doll, Forrest shares in his book how he felt something hard under what was an assumed faux left breast pocket.  However, further investigation revealed an 1842 dime had been secretly hidden within.  Forrest writes, “Perhaps the coin was a talisman, thought to contain some sort of defending magic, or a shield, protecting the doll’s heart, and so the child’s.”

The 1842 dime (being silver) also known as seated dimes.”

Other clues were:

The ONE in red can be read as ‘ONE of 58’ (There are 58 letters in the first stanza).    The Arapahoe doll was ONE of 58, the crowd.

Hands and Strings were answers to the famous riddle in the Hobbit of ‘What’s in your pocket?’, which were both wrong.  This part of the stanza hinted to ‘Pocket’, which if you searched on MW for ‘Pocket’, the article about the hidden 1842 Dime in the pocket shows up. 

Simple as that…..

A huge Congrats to Chris for solving the Riddle!

Next FFGM Treasure Hunt released 3/10!