mysterious writings spotlight on treasure hunts and hidden treasure caches

MW is the place to find all things Treasure!   And we have just made it easier to do so with the release of The Mysterious Writings Spotlight!

These spotlights will be released on Mondays and Wednesdays,  of course… it’s MW!  And because Time is the greatest Treasure we all have, these are quick, and to the point, ‘Spotlights’.   After seeing a ‘Spotlight’ you can decide whether to dig deeper via links provided on the topics, or move on to the the next one!

On Mondays, MW will spotlight treasure related fun. This can include anything from treasure games to legendary treasures to other treasure news.

On Wednesdays, MW will spotlight an Armchair Treasure Hunt or Hidden Treasure Cache.

There are numerous Armchair Treasure Hunts and Hidden Treasure Caches to enjoy and get involved in!  MW lists many of them on The Treasure Hunt List, and on The MW Forum, where lots of discussions on Treasures can be found! The Wednesday Spotlight will take either a newly released hunt, or one which has been going on for a while and, share a little about it!  What’s it about, what’s been happening, whatever! 

Subscribe Today: Either to the MW Newsletter – which is changing its name to The MW Spotlight-  or to MW’s YouTube Channel.   Each Spotlight will be posted on the MW Website as well.

What’s in MW’s Spotlight today? 

The Last Echo by Natalie Nelson:

MW Spotlights via MW YouTube Channel: (Subscribe today)

MW Spotlights via the MW Newsletter …..(Subscribe today)