2023 Masquerade Tribute 3rd update solved

What a pleasure it was to do a Six Questions with The Allusionati, who have graciously created a Mini Puzzle Hunt for the 2023 Masquerade Tribute event. This hunt, which was unlocked by raising over $1500 in donations to St. Judes, will be released May 20, 2023. It offers a prize valuing around $150 to the first person who solves the puzzle. Who will win it?! Register / donate today to join the adventures!

But first, let’s learn more about these generous donors, who call themselves The Allusionati (Sundai Segadi, Jackie Van Voorst and Nick Barberio)!

Six Questions with The Allusionati:

  • 1Q)Thank you for taking part in the 2023 Masquerade Tribute! You are all seasoned, respected, and skilled members of the community and I’m excited you are part of ‘Team Tribute’! I suppose my first question is how did you form The Allusionati or come up with the name?  It’s so cool!

Thanks. We started brainstorming terms that were related to puzzles and mysteries, etc. Sundai added the word Allusion – with the definition of: a covert indication or reference to something supposed to be known but not explicitly mentioned. Jackie added -nati, and Nick added “The” final touch- so here we are The Allusionati.

  • 2Q) When did each of you get started in this wonderful world of Armchair Treasure Hunting? What was the first hunt you worked on?

Nick: I may be the newbie of the group since I only started 2 years ago. I, like many here, saw the Expedition Unknown episodes and got interested because there is a buried treasure near me in New York. So, I started with New York and quickly moved through each of the other treasures, including now, the Tribute and Anniversary Hunts.

Sundai: I also started 2 years ago and worked my way through The Secret Hunts.

Jackie: I had glanced at The Secret hunt a few times over the years after getting hooked on Masquerade in the 80’s. The earnest involvement happened at the end of 2020, when EU aired, and gave me a huge distraction I desperately needed in my life at that time.

  • 3Q) What do you enjoy most about treasure hunting and/or the puzzling nature of the hobby?

Jackie: The puzzles! They make my brain so very happy to ponder, twist, leave & return. As a child, I always needed ‘better than ordinary’ type puzzles to intrigue me, starting with a former puzzle magazine called Games.” These puzzles have ‘meat.’ They intrigue and are not simply solved. They are GREAT!

Sundai: For me it’s all about the puzzles!  I like all kinds, I find it really relaxing.

Nick: I really like the variety of skills you have to use and the thinking outside the box. The added benefit of everyone working on the same puzzles is that you meet other people that you can learn from

  • 4Q) Which treasure hunt are you currently working on? Do you often work on puzzles solo or in a group?

Sundai: I’m currently obsessed with The Secret Anniversary Hunt and the 2023 Masquerade Puzzles!

Jackie: I am working on many of the puzzles. including The Hatter’s Hat and The Mad Tea Party on a casual level, but the SF (The Secret) puzzle is my deep fixation right now.

Nick: I have worked on all the Secret puzzles simultaneously, but now have branched out to other puzzles like “The Hatter’s Hat” and others found on Mysterious Writings. Plus, I am really enjoying working as a group coming up with our own puzzles.

  • 5Q) Can you offer a peek into your hunt for Masquerade Tribute? What should searchers expect upon release?

We started with traditional puzzle and cipher techniques and gave them a bit of a new spin. Plus, we built in more than one way to solve our puzzles so you won’t have to be an expert at certain ciphers or topics. Some good old-fashioned logic and maybe a little research online will help anyone with our puzzles.

  • 6Q) What’s one of the best things found so far in your quest for treasures?

Jackie: I love talking about the hunts and getting more people interested! I have made many friends and hope to meet more hunters and make lasting friendships!

Sundai: Meeting all the awesome people and making friends from all over the country, and a few from other countries. 

Nick: I recently found out that my sister is also interested in these quests, so that is something I didn’t know we had in common, and I am looking forward to collaborating with her.