auction treasuresAs all but ‘empty nesters’, Mahlon and I have lots of free time to go exploring.  We don’t do any one kind of thing though.  We go on lots of different types of adventures.  Sometimes it’s searching for buried treasure, sometimes it’s exploring a museum, sometimes it’s checking out a mysterious place, sometimes it’s metal detecting, sometimes it’s just going to a new restaurant for dinner, and then sometimes it’s– who knows?!  We enjoy traveling and love spending time together exploring.

The following video is just a snapshot of an Estate Auction we decided to go to on a cold rainy day in Pa. (for May at least).

We actually love auctions because we never know what treasures you might find.   Might we find a Dunlap Broadside or a lost Faberge Egg or some other hidden treasure?  We don’t know.

What we do know is if you don’t seek, you won’t discover anything!

And we love to discover and learn!….. so now in our ‘empty nest’ years, we plan on doing A Lot more exploring!

Hope you join us!  Subscribe today to MW’s YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Below is our first auction of this year…. It was a relatively small one.  We plan on going to many more throughout the summer and coming years. 🙂   As well as lots of other types of exploring!





  1. When I was a little kid my dad took me to an auction. There was a walking cane that came from India, the handle was shaped like an elephant head and trunk, and carved out of ivory. It was marvelous craftsmanship, and even as young as I was I knew that. So my dad bid on it and the rest of the crowd knew that I wanted it pretty bad and didn’t bid it up. There was a round of applause as they called my dad out as the winner.
    How cool are people?

    Buckeye Bob
  2. Thanks Jenny and Mahlon, fun stuff for sure. The old fishing reels and that fishing print looked interesting. The guy holding the old game at the auction looked like he had a peach in his pocket? Thanks for sharing, you two are ok for empty nesters.

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