The Skinwalker Ranch is located in Uintah County, Utah. For decades, there have been reports of unexplained phenomena on the ranch; from UFO sightings to dangerous magnetic readings to even more frightening occurrences.

Part of the history of the ranch includes a story about a skirmish between the Utes and Navajo in the mid 1800’s, that led the Navajo to place the Curse of the Skinwalker on the land. It is from this curse the ranch gets its name. A Skinwalker is an evil being who has the ability to shapeshift into an animal.  Some claim to have seen it there.

On March 31, 2020, Season 1, Episode 1 of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch first aired on the History Channel. In the episode, Brandon Frugal, owner of the ranch, introduces Travis Taylor, astrophysicist. Travis is provided an background summary of Skinwalker Ranch and is welcomed as a new member of the team who will dig deep into the unexplained events experienced on the ranch.

Travis is flown out to the ranch by Brandon’s brother, Cameron, and immediately begins researching. Strange readings of electromagnetic radiation happen. The possibility the readings might be the result of the 1940’s and 1950’s nuclear bomb testing site is brought up.  Travis wants to dig – to further test and research if this could be part of the explanation for the strange readings. But being new to the team, he is unaware of some of the scary incidents believed caused by digging.

Episode 1 ends with Travis being shown something in a case at the Skinwalker Ranch Command Center by other team member, Erik Bard, principal investigator. – It might change his mind about his desire for digging – at least initially.

Watch full episode here:

Season 1 Episode 1 Review of The Secret of SkinWalker Ranch: 

For someone new, and skeptical to the fantastical stories being told about Skinwalker Ranch, the episode offers a great introduction.

What I find best is research is being conducted to neither prove or disprove theories or stories about Skinwalker Ranch, but to present findings and facts. 

Sure the show is ‘a show’ – with its cliffhangers and drama – making it entertaining – but it is also informative. Overall, I think it will be wonderful to follow along with the team as they explore the area, and work to discover and explain, if possible, what is going on at the Skinwalker Ranch.