MW Spotlight #19: Five Recently Released Armchair Treasure Hunts: The Missing Heart, Xavier Marks and the Missing Masterpieces, Houses Asunder, The Troll’s Cache, and Treasure Island: Treasure Hunt Edition!
Within the last month or so, five brand new armchair treasure hunts have been released and are listed here, on the MW website. This is the place where treasure are found- so I’m glad you’re here! Discussions on the treasure hunts, along with tips and resources to help solve clues, can also be found on the MW Forum.
There ARE Treasures out there to find! Which treasures (or treasures) are you going to get your Quest on for?
Here are the brief summaries of each new listed hunt:

Treasure Island: Treasure Hunt Edition
- Released 11/15/2021 by David Jacobsen
- Clues within a book (Available on Amazon $20)
- BOTG (hidden somewhere in the US)
- Treasure is valued at $10,000. Includes gemstones, coins, and other relics
- No end date

The Search for the Golden Heart
- Released 10/2021 on website
- Clues within a PDF (Text and Images) (£7.99 / $11 approx.)
- Token to claim Treasure buried in the UK
- BOTG or Armchair (can submit a claim to the buried location of the token by email or dig up the token yourself)
- Treasure is beautiful hand crafted gold plated Jeweled heart. It is decorated with diamonds and other gemstones
- No end date

Houses Asunder Armchair Treasure Hunt
- Released 10/12/21 by Candy Irvine and Mindy Montgomery Fausey,
- Clues within a Poem. (Available on Website: $30)
- Fully Armchair: Only need to submit correct answer to the riddle of the poem
- Treasure is a beautiful Eric Sloane painting ($5,000), signed Eric Sloane book, Knight Decanter, Crown.
- No end date

The Troll’s Cache
- Released 10/18/21 by CopperDan
- Clues within a story, map, and coin: Available on (various options: $20-$35)
- A proxy item (treasure chest without contents) is hidden somewhere in the contiguous United States
- Treasure is: 80 – 2021 one ounce Silver Eagles, Two 10 ounce bars of silver, One – 2021 one ounce gold coin, and a priceless emerald
- No end date

Xavier MarX and the Missing Masterpieces
- Released 10/27/21 Sean Cronin
- Clues within a book: Available on AMAZON ($19)
- A proxy item is hidden somewhere in the contiguous United States
- Treasure is $10,000 cash
- No end date