Tribute-The Hunt for the 13th Casque of The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt was released on Valentine’s Day, early evening.  After a week of dissecting the image and studying the verse, searchers have been off to explore many different and possible locations all over the states! On both foot and via google maps.  The Tribute hunt is free. All that is needed to discover the location of a buried casque with key used to claim a prize worth over $2,000 is to follow the clues found in both the image and verse, shown below (larger image here)

The hunt for the 13th casque the secret armchair treasure hunt

Even if the hunt was solved and the 13th casque found today, this Tribute Hunt by John Michaels and Kit Palencar has done Byron Preiss extremely proud. It has inspired many a searcher with a new zeal for The Secret, and has helped us all appreciate its gift more, and the Quest it encourages. Thank you John and Kit!

In chatting with John about how he thought the hunt was going after just the first week, he wanted to share with searchers a few points to remember while working on the hunt.  They are:

*It is buried somewhere in North America (excluding Mexico, and Alaska and Hawaii)

*There are no Long/Lat coordinates, or rebus puzzles given for the location of the city

*Everything one needs to find the treasure has been provided

*Tribute uses a similar style and methodology as the original hunt—however, it’s to be remembered it’s a Tribute to the original, NOT a copy.  And while there still may be some methods found in Tribute, that were used in the original, not all are.  Some things have been adapted or changed slightly from the original, as well. And some things are new.   What any of these things might be, is for us to find out!

John also wanted to make it clear that the Prelude Puzzle; its image, cipher, etc., is in no way connected or used in any way to help find the solution to the Tribute Hunt.  The Prelude Puzzle was just additional fun and provided a unique way to present the Lore for the 13th Casque.  That is all.

So how has the Tribute moved along in the first week?  Let’s look at some thoughts shared by searchers on the MW Forum and its Official Facebook Page.  Please join us at those locations!

*Nods, so to speak, to the original Secret, have been noticed within Tribute.  Things like the shelf, the flowing gown, and use of B and C in the verse.  Among others.  I’ll write a separate post about this and other things later.

*Outlines of possible states, none totally exact, within the image, have been considered.  Tennessee, Minnesota, and New Hampshire are a few state outlines which have given interest.   Is one of these correct?  Are there others?

*Structures, like the Alamo, and even the Liberty Bell, have been compared to the outline of the main structure in the image.  Again, nothing exact found.  Yet.  Many searchers agree outlines in the image, and then discovered on site of the buried casque, will offer confirmation of a correct spot.  Not on its own, but with all other clues coming together.

*Lines of the leash, the branches, and any other line, no matter how small or entangled, found in the image have been compared to rivers, park boundaries, trails, roadways, mountain ridges, city skylines, and more.

*We have all learned a lot more about Monarch Butterflies since the release of the 13th Casque Hunt.  Their migration routes, which states have them as their state insect, their meaning, how one sits on Sitting Bull’s hat in a photo,  etc.  Will any of this be helpful?  What’s the reason for this butterfly– or the wings of one?

*We have also learned more about axes, tomahawks, and hatchets.  And asked the question, is that a lug wrench? If so, why is that there?  If not, why does it look like one?

-And so on we searchers have gone with every tiny detail of the image.


The verse cannot be forgotten though.  The image alone won’t lead a person to the exact location of the buried casque.

Searchers have considered multiple meanings for each line, each word of each line, maybe even each letter of each line.

The fun never ends!   Isn’t it awesome?!  Again, thanks John and Kit!


Now that the initial excitement of the release of a new hunt for a prize of over $2000 has calmed slightly, or maybe not, many are getting prepared for the long haul.  It wasn’t found in the first week.  As of this writing anyway.  I know how quickly things can change though.  Shovels are being dusted off.

Suggestions to listen to the past podcasts with John and George, and their numerous guests of the show, all discussing the original 12 Casques, have been made.  It’s excellent advice.   Find the episodes on 12Treasures .com

Anyone serious about discovering the solution to this latest casque is sure to enjoy the thoughts sparked, and learned from these past episodes, even if you had previously listened to them.  Does John mention a method used in Tribute in the podcasts?  Most likely.  We know some methods used are at least similar.  What might you catch or be sparked by listening anew?

Plus a searcher can reread John’s article where he talked about the history of The Secret and the various podcast episodes.  Plus there is the Six Questions with John and George to look over.  John had mentioned in that article there wouldn’t be any Lat/Long numbers to find. What else does he say?

A look into Kit’s artwork might also prove helpful.  Noticing a change in technique on the Image for the 13th Casque from his normal style might hint to something being important and warrant a closer inspection.  His website is here:  KitPalencar .com

There’s a lot to do, and how awesome we have only just started!


Again, please join the discussions on the MW Forum or on the Official Facebook Page!   See you there!


Best of luck with all that you seek!  Always Treasure the Adventure!




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