What is the best way to get better at solving puzzles and finding treasures in armchair treasure hunts? PRACTICE. Solving puzzles is like anything else in life; the more you do it, the more it becomes easier. So if you are new to puzzles, or even a pro, this series is for you. It is a fun way to practice, and keep the mind in shape. The puzzles are different examples of how information can be hidden or encoded. If stuck on any puzzles, the answers are given the following week.
Previous MW Puzzles and Answers can be found here: MW Puzzle Fun (log in for full access)
MW Puzzle Fun #26 turned out to be a more difficult puzzle to solve. I only received a few correct submissions. Congrats to those who solved it. Although it was a simple numeric to alphabetic puzzle, discovering the numbers to convert to the letters seemed to be the obstacle. It required a little out of the box thinking.
However, once the method for decoding into numbers is realized, it is easily solved for a message.

Each of the rune-like figures represents a number by the amount of lines. Orientation of figures did not matter and 0=0.
Each figure can be decoded via this method: first to a number and then to the alphabet – where A=1, B=2…Y=25, Z=26.
Starting at the top and with the hint: GO AROUND….. 4 15 14 20 12 5 20 20 8 5 18 15 3 11 19 19 20 15 16 20 8 5 10 15 21 18 14 5 25 for DON’T LET THE ROCKS STOP THE JOURNEY. (Go Around)

Below is MW Puzzle #27: Time Spiral
Can you discover the intended hidden word? Please submit your answer to treasure@mysteriouswritings.com with subject header PF27.