Six Questions with David Jacobsen: Creator of Treasure Island Armchair Treasure Hunt

David Jacobsen has released another exciting adventure for armchair treasure hunters: Treasure Island: Treasure Hunt Edition. It is available on Amazon for $19.99. David utilizes the classic tale by Robert Louis Stevenson, but adds a tantalizing twist! An actual treasure for you to find! The book includes clues to claim …

Six Questions with Michel Becker: One of the Creators of The Golden Treasure of the Entente Cordiale Armchair Treasure Hunt

Treasures await! Two Keys remain to be found in The Golden Treasure of the Entente Cordiale armchair treasure hunt. One key is hidden somewhere in the United Kingdom and the other somewhere in France.  Together, they can be used to claim and open an incredible golden casket valued at £650,000. …

MW Puzzle Fun #6: December Joy

More MW Puzzle Fun! This Monday segment offers entertaining puzzles to provide practice in recognizing and solving clues and puzzles within armchair treasure hunts or other games. Answers to the puzzles are given later in the week on the MW Treasure Facebook Group or Forum. Below is MW Puzzle Fun …

Scrabblegrams! Winners Announced in the First Contest of the Second Annual Masquerade Tribute!

Thank You Dave for initializing Masquerade Tribute with Scrabblegrams! We enjoyed, LOVED seeing if our exact plan…….. O! oops! For those who got out their Scrabble Game Tiles and tried to craft a Scrabblegram, you know our exact plans for words didn’t always work out!  They often took paths of …