the arcadian shepherdsThe image of two young shepherds, leaning out of darkness and contemplating the meaning of what lies in front of them, has captured many observers.  Still today, people intrigued by its significance, reflect upon the scene offered by the Italian painter, Guercino.  Between the years of 1618 and 1622, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (Guercino) created the work of art known as The Arcadian Shepherds.  It introduced the mysterious phrase of ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’ and is one of the much talked about paintings involving the Rennes le Chateau enigma and the Maranatha Puzzle.

But is the scene, containing the imagery of the skull, just a reminder of death must come to all?  Powerful in itself, one can’t help but notice other possible notions the painting holds. One of which is the fly or bee resting on the skull above the eye.

Discussion surrounds the depiction.  Is it a fly or a bee?  Both hold symbolic meaning and one may begin to wonder if Guercino may have painted the likeness to represent either.  The interpretation or recognition left for the person perceiving it.  Understanding would then be based upon the spectator’s circle of knowledge.

The meaning applied to a symbol depicting an animal often reflects the creature’s attributes.  For instance, the caterpillar, also shown in the painting, is known for transformation and therefore portrays a possible message of change.  Another example of manifesting a creature’s character would be the wearer of a protective amulet.  A person, bearing say an anklet in form of a lioness, wears it for assimilating the lioness’ swiftness in hunt. Placing the symbol on the body part (ankle/leg in this case) which can best take advantage of the lioness’ power is also significant.

The fly can be associated with persistence in attack.  Annoying to humans, yes; but true to form.  In ancient Egypt, the fly emblem was often given to a person as an award for courage against an enemy; possibly seen and recognized for his determination. The fly was also seen as being a giver of life.  The reason found by noting upon the decaying, dead, material, life arose from the fly.

The bee is widely known for its connection with wisdom.  In the sacred Book of The Bee’s introduction is a wonderful explanation of the flurrying insect’s characteristics and why the book is so named after it.  As the small bee gathers, keeps, and then shares the essential life providing material, (not only for itself but for the hive), the bee departs an ever sweetness.

Pondering on the images of these creatures placed upon the skull/death, one can incorporate their attributes to try and understand why Guercino may have painted either a fly or a bee.

As a fly, it could represent bravery and persistence in attacking and defeating the enemy; eventually leading to new life.  As a bee, it could signify wisdom found upon death.  Perhaps both unite by offering a meaning of giving your life (allegorically) to something beyond yourself.  Death must come to all, surely.  However, life can come too.


  1. Has anyone identified what the ‘thing’ is top right above the two branches? I’ve looked at two or three versions of this image and it still looks like a single eye to me (akin to the ‘diadem’ worn by the woman in the background of Poussin’s self portrait).

    1. Interesting idea. You could be correct. From what I have found, many believe it to be a bird because of its location being placed on a branch. Personally I lean towards the Little Owl (that type of owl). If not specifically that type….then an owl in general.

      I like the location. Like you said, it is up and to the right. Upright, which is the wisdom of Solomon. Since owls are seen to represent ‘wisdom’, I think this could support the fact.

    1. In The Bible, the Prophets mention the fact that you must hear their words in order to understand their message. Jesus NEVER said “I am the Good Shepherd.” Rather he said “BE a Good Shepherd,” and the word BE sounds like BEE. The Greek word EGO means I (hear Eye), a reference to the DARK Eye of the skull. It was Jesus who said “I (Eye) and my Father are ONE.” Likewise, in reference to your own understanding of Arcadia (if my guess is correct), ” The Light Shineth in the Darkness, and the Darkness comprehended it Not.” However, there are TWO ways of understanding that. Arcadia is just ONE of the ways.

  2. Thank you Nate, for your reply. I went back to check The Interlinear Bible at Studylight’s Website. “I AM” of “I am the good sheherd” is enterpreted as the Greek (?) word “Eime.” Although the defefintion for the word Eime is “to be, to exist, to happen, or to be present,” it COULD still mean “I am.” When we hear the word “Eime,” it sounds like “I Me,” so now I am convinced that YOU are right and I was wrong. Normally when Jesus speaks of himself as “I,” the Latin (?) word EGO is used. And that’s what confused me.

    When it gets into the realm of “Bloodlines,” I admit that this subject is a little above my head. I will read the article that you mentioned. And I know what you mean by the whole “Jesus Mary Magdalene bloodline Theory.” Dan Brown is not exactly what I would refer to as “the brightest star” on the planet. Ha Ha!

    Excellent point about the Antichrist. Everything that you say in regards to the AntiChrist, the Eye, and Arcadia
    Makes perfect sense to me. I was beginning to wonder: “is this just my imagination? WHY does this whole Arcadia thing seem to represent some type of “Non-Dharma” teaching? So thank you for pointing out to me that I am not just some Evil person who has rejected a more ethical understanding of Arcadia, iand that you
    understand the teachings in the same way 😉

  3. Good point “Jkyle.” We are all here to learn and to share. What I love about this website is that all of the Authors here not only have interests which are similar to mine, but they address the same questions that I often ask myself. Plus, they understand concepts which only “Advanced Disciples” tend to understand, and they attempt to teach these concepts through example.

    The moment that I saw their article about the Lightening, I just knew that there was something different about this website, so began reading the article written in reference to Arcadia. This was not the first time that I had
    heard of this word. Several years ago, I can remember stumbling upon this website written by this “Native American Indian who believed that the World was going to be Destroyed, and that others would attempt to leave this world by entering into something he referred to as Arcadia.

    It’s almost as if he was opposed to the whole idea. Despite the fact that he never mentioned what Arcadia is, he likened it to being some type of Spaceship which he warned others not to enter into. Wondering if his comments might be some reference to this website, I looked to see if there was an image of a Spaceship, but
    Didn’t see one.

    When he mentioned the word Arcadia, the first thing that came to my mind was this type of Nicholodian Machine where you roll film through it, and it plays this type of movie. However, when he made the comments in reference to the Spaceship, I began to wonder if perhaps he was referring to some type of Theatre or Planetarium which provided some type of “All-Encompassing Vision” of a “Spiritual Experience.”

    For that reason, I can’t help but to feel that this website might be the start of something bigger. In fact, when you really stop to think about it, whose to say that the firmament is really not some reference to a planetarium.

    1. Hi Mark, Glad you enjoy the site. And like you said, we are all here to learn…and that of course includes the authors of the site. Please know, they too are on a journey to better understanding. The site is made better from all the different perspectives and comments given. They are such a welcomed and valuable part.

      I hadn’t heard of the story/website you mention. Upon first thought, I wasn’t so sure about likening Arcadia to a Spaceship. However, considering your comparison to an ‘all-encompassing vision’, I have to say I find it interesting. It would seem Arcadia could be recognized if one found understanding within the ‘all-encompassing vision’.

  4. Oh! Sorry about that. At first I thought that Jkile was some person like me who visits the Website. Now, I kind of get the feeling that Jkile works with the authors.

    Actually, I am glad to assist the authors in any way that I can. The reward for me is simply sharing in what I understand with others. To be truthful with you, I am not sure what you mean by “it would seem that Arcadia could be recognized if one found understanding within the “all encompassing vision.”

    Perhaps you were wondering how I understand it. So I will explain For me, Arcadia represents a type of “different way” of looking at something so that it conveys this greater sense of Depth and Demensionality. For example, when we look at a STAR, we don’t see that same sense of depth and Demensionality that we see in
    A cube or a Hexagon.

    However, notice that the word Star is derived from the Latin word ASTARE (hear A Stair) implying a type of Ladder or Stairway that leads up to Heaven. So there is great Demensionality in a Star. We just don’t see it or understand it.

    Am I trying to say that my own understanding of Arcadia is lacking in Color? No. However, For me, the highest understanding of Arcadia is in “Black and White” In fact, if we can find just the right Symbol, it is actually possible to perceive the color within the White sort of like a type of Rainbow Effect.

    However, in order to do that, we would need a symbol that conveys that sense of depth and. Demensionality to the highest extent possible. And this symbol actually represents a type of blueprint for the Universal Mind.
    Hope that helps.

  5. I’m still a way from being able to figure out the beast of Revelation, but I’m pretty sure it’s closely related to the Holy Grail. Which I’m certain is framed in a grid of equilateral triangles, and that would work out well for a number of 666, especially knowing that in Hebrew and Greek, letters are the numbers 1-9, 10-90 and 100-900.

    By the way, I agree that the bloodline theory is rubbish. In fact, I wonder if the authors of “Holy Grail, Holy Blood” believe in it themselves. They put in too much information in the book that is entirely unrelated with what is, ostensibly, their main premise.

  6. This site is so fascinating! Has anyone noticed the moon-like shape near the teeth of the skull and what looks like a ‘v’ or arrow pointing to it? Doesn’t the moon represent the female? Also the bee or fly is sitting on the left side of the skull and correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the left also female?
    I’d also like to add that the shepherd in white looks very feminine when compared to the other and his colors match the skull as though there’s a connection. All over the painting I see a letter E, and I’m not sure if it’s e or a symbol that looks like e, but the branches create it, I see it in the clouds and all over the feminine looking shepherds clothes. I’m not sure what all this means, but maybe it could help analyze other things. Any thoughts or feedback?

  7. Wikipedia states the insect is a blowfly. Blowflies are definitely attracted to dead or rotting flesh. They can sometimes act as pollinators as they are attracted to foul smelling -rotting flesh – flowers.
    They also do something called Myiasis which is infesting skin and laying eggs. They can do this with broken skin such as wounds but can also penetrate intact skin. The eggs hatch into larvae which feed on the the host’s tissue and blood. So they are effectively eating their host alive! Apparently this is a big problem in the sheep industry.
    So the Blowfly is relevant in this painting being associated with death, decay and sheep.

    What does the mouse symbolize?

    1. Also the word ‘sarcophagus’ means ‘flesh eating’ as the limestone used to make a sarcophagus would decompose the body quickly. Just like a blowfly.
      So the other ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’ painting by Poussin shows a sarcophagus. But why two paintings?


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