Puzzle Summary

Main Puzzle Content: This includes links to the books, the text, the images, the clues, and the Key given in the TimeMonk Project.

Additional Puzzle Content:  This includes links to the final PDF’s, the parchments, the alchemical symbols and highlights of the Key from a chat session with author.

Puzzle Musings: This includes links to musings on things about the puzzle, like Find a Devil or Sendeth Health

Clue Musings: This includes links to musings on things related to the clues, like Measure of a Man or A Similar Rumi Quote to a Clue

Links to Time Monk Screen Shots

The Maranatha-Et in Arcadia Ego puzzle began in the fall of 2005 and was discontinued early 2011.  Later, Duncan Burden provided more information on the Key in an article on the Arcadia Forum called The TimeMonk Project.  He also participated in Six Questions with Duncan Burden which includes some his thoughts on the Holy Grail.  In that short interview, he mentioned about offering more information on the TimeMonk Project.  He continues to work on this as time allows.




    1. I found the article in the Heretic Magazine to offer lots to consider. At the end, Duncan mentioned the following, “I look forward to exploring these connections with you further”. It would seem possible that more information will be provided in future Heretic articles.

      Jenny Kile

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