The tantalizing, fictional tale within The Unicornis Manuscripts by Michael Green, includes the testament of the ‘venerable Master Magnalucius.’  It releases the teachings of the Collegium Gnosticum, and for a person worthy, will reveal the location of a valuable Spiral Unicorn Horn hidden beneath the ground.  This silver treasure waits to be discovered somewhere ‘in New Lands across the sea.’   As the story discloses, the Spiral Horn was secretly placed by following The Prophecy of the True Horn and matching clues scattered amongst the pages of the manuscripts.

Searching for hints to the location of the hidden horn, part of the tale seems to convey a possible path one may follow.   Magnalucius, with the desire to cross over into ‘brighter realms,’ seeks out Eugnostos and confesses his want.  He is told by Eugnostos that in order to do so, “Thou must find the Forest of Brocileande.”

The Forest of Brocileande is a legendary place filled with fabulous stories of old.  It is believed to actually be the Paimpont Forest of Brittany, France, today.  Remnant of an ancient forest, this region claims home to such spots known as the Fairies Mirror, the Valley of No Return, the Fountain of Youth, and the tomb of Merlin.  Another popular attraction in the forest is the Guillotine Oak.

Upon reading the section of the Forest of Brocileande in The Unicornis Manuscritps, a person may catch a likeness, and wonder if the Guillotine Oak was the inspiration for the mighty oak of the story. The Guillotine Oak is an immense tree thought to be over 800-1000 years old.

In Unicornis, after Magnalucius was directed to find Brocileande, he informed Eugnostos he did not know of it.  Eugnostos further instructed Magnalucius; “wait in the copse between the twin hills” and “wait until the hour when it is neither night nor day.  There is thy entrance; didst thou not know?”

Patiently he waited, and on the magical hour of dawn, Magnalucius spotted the Unicorn and followed him through, into the forest, and to the ‘Mighty Oak’.

Other similarities, or possible sources of inspiration, can be noticed in Magnalucius’ journey through the forest, to that of passages found in Proverbs.  Proverbs 4: 13 states, “Hold on to instruction, do not let it go.” In the account given in Unicornis, Magnalucius is unable to see clearly at first and grasping the Unicorn’s tail, he is seen to ‘hold on to instruction and does not let go’.

Magnalucius is guided by the Unicorn, and as he runs he does not stumble like Proverbs 4:11-12 states, “I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.”  The Unicornis story relates, “….and on he cantered so swiftly that I feared to stumble or dash out my brains against some jutting limb.  But mercifully, I somehow kept my hold.”  As mentioned, he does not stumble.

Once reaching the Mighty Oak, two paths, like the way of the wicked and the way of the righteous of Proverbs, appears before Magnalucius.  Initially choosing the path of deep darkness but quickly returning to the Oak, is another similarity to a verse of Proverbs.  Proverbs tells those looking at the wicked path to ‘turn from it and go on your way’.

As the legendary Valley of No Return of Brocileande Forest was said to be guarded by a terrible monster, one may see another comparison.  In Unicornis, just before Magnalucius turned away from the dark, he saw ‘two fearsome eyes, set in a scaly head.’  He realized he had ‘nearly stumbled into a dragon’s snare.’  Could he have been heading towards the Valley of No Return?

The story continues with Magnalucius choosing the path on the right, and following the Unicorn on a pleasant and beautiful trail which eventually leads to a view ‘wide and vast.’  Overtaken by the magnificence, but needing to return, he thought; “now having glimpsed that wondrous realm beyond the Forest of Brocileande nevermore shall I find satisfaction in the world we know.”

With the riddle in the end including the lines, “In New Lands across the sea; Let another, on narrow pathways, come to me”, one could consider the Forest of Brocileande’s inclusion is to convey the Spiral Horn is buried in North America (which is known).  Having traveled through the forest, believed in France, and glimpsing the realm beyond the forest, possibly ‘new lands across the sea/ocean’(North America), it can be seen to correlate to the riddle.

What I find interesting is the opening sentence of the riddle.  “Across the voids of Time did these words come to me.”  In a previous article, The Hidden Meaning behind the Number 17 , it is shared how the Sun and Moon join together to form an ‘entrance’,  just like ‘neither day nor night’ in the Unicornis story.  Together they are at a Time when both share a common area.  Can this connect to the ‘voids of Time?’

The symbol, shown on the cover folds of the 2008 version of the Unicornis book, depicts a cross, wavy lines, and then the spiral with a Sun and Moon along side.  This seems to hold a related meaning.  The Spiral is between the image of the Sun and Moon; the two ‘worlds’.

North America, in Unicornis, is considered ‘New Lands’, so it would seem the land of the Brocileande Forest could be considered ‘Old.’  Unicornis speaks of the different ages of the worlds.  In alchemy, Silver is associated with the Moon and Gold with the Sun. Images are included in the book where the growing of circles are associated with the changing of ages; the old age, silver (moon) is changing to the new age, gold (sun).

The thought which comes to my mind is in order for a person to come to the ‘new land’; one has to cross the immense ocean, the unknown, the ‘voids of time?’, by leaving the ‘old’.   Once realizing there is more to discover can one happily return to just the old?  Are the two worlds joined by reaching, finding guidance, and gazing beyond what is seen?   Like Magnalucius said, “I glimpsed that wondrous realm beyond the Forest of Brocileande nevermore shall I find satisfaction in the world we know.”



  1. Hi Taddeo,

    No, it isn’t stated in the book. However, the fact that it is an armchair treasure hunt isn’t specifically clarified either. The following was mentioned in 2003 on q4treasure:

    “I contacted Michael Green in February of last year after finding his website. He told me that the ‘unicorn’ horn was still buried somewhere in North America and that he would check any solutions e-mailed to him.”

    There are other posts which speak of it in the USA. But you are right to ask if that is certain. I do believe North America is correct, but that would involve Canada.

    When I was writing the above post, I was thinking of ‘mirroring’ the Forest of Brocileande (because what we know is said to be a ‘pale reflection’). This would put it in Canada. Newfoundland actually…lol….isn’t that appropriate? I dismissed it because of the thoughts on the USA. But now you have me wondering.

    Thanks Taddeo for bringing this up. I would have to say I am not sure.

    (I will edit the above post and put ‘North America’ for places I had put USA)

    1. Just to add,

      Since Magnalucius wanted to cross over to ‘brighter realms’, he was told to ‘find the forest, wait until neither day nor night, for the entrance.’

      At the end (of this part) it just briefly mentions the ‘pale reflection’—but this is the opposite of ‘bright’. With Newfoundland being opposite of the forest, it could support (by being New Found Land) a method on how to specifically find the horn. The entrance/method being to ‘reflect’.

      Magnalucius waited for days, fasting and praying, until the Unicorn appeared on the beginning of the third. It could be said Magnalucius ‘reflected’ upon himself, as well.

      There is a sentence in the text (in the elendi of brocileande) which is, “And in such silence that sometimes the drifting mind would halt and some inner eye would open, so that some fallen leaf would seem to hold all secrets in its shape.” The Aspen Grove is talked about within this section, and the shape of an Aspen leaf is sometimes considered heart shaped.

  2. Renne Le Chateau’s salamanders are the ones in between the worlds. Land and water, these nocturnal creatures move about from dusk till dawn. The little spiral is the salmanader sitting on top of the Unicorn’s spiral which is the flow of surface water to groundwater. These are recharge areas where water literally funnels down to aquifers below. Where I live we have a creek with a window recharge. In the spring you can see the water funnel down from the creek into the groundwater aquifers below. Vernal Ponds and wetlands are the springs of life. The little salamanders have the ability to regenerate all tissues including muscle, skin, bone and nerves and the natural biota of these ponds filter out toxins. Wetlands can remove up to 80-90% of phosphate and nitrates respectively. They are sacred spaces and should not be disturbed. To protect clean natural drinking water for the long term. It is important to preserve. To protect the ponds, protect the salamanders.

  3. My name is Louisette which oddly enough, means guillotine. My ancestor Francois I was obsessed with salamanders. They were thought of as little dragons because they hung out on the wood. When logs were tossed in the fire these poor animals would scurry out fast creating the myth that they were born of fire.
    Back in the day, folks would build their communities around surface water features but for those who understood the link between the salamander and the potential for wells, they could make a fortune buying land that others undervalued. The water supply was the treasure and the salamander was the indicator of it not unlike your painting above.

  4. A spiral normally represents time, which is associated with the planet Saturn. On the other hand, being positioned between the Moon and the Sun suggests planet Earth, especially since it’s connected to a cross, that is also used to represent the Earth (the four cardinal points).

    Maria Rigel

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