There are Treasures Out There for YOU to Find! In MW’s Treasure News episodes we share stories about recently found treasures!.  Might they offer ideas on how YOU can discover treasures?!

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1)Largest Diamond Found in North America

In early December, Canada’s Dominion Diamond Mines and Rio Tinto announced they had found a giant 552 carat yellow diamond.  It is believed to be the largest diamond ever found in North America. It beats the previous record of the Foxfire Diamond found in 2015.  That diamond was 187.7 carats.

Diamonds of this size are extremely rare, and it might be a while before a value can be determined.  Options on how to cut and polish the stone for best results need exploring.

2)Egyptian Tomb Discovered

Many tombs of Egypt were stripped of their treasures by looters thousands of years ago, and these tombs are being found again by researchers.  However, recently a tomb for an Egyptian high priest was discovered, and his tomb has remained untouched.

The tomb dates back to the Fifth Dynasty (2500 BC – 2350 BC) and was found in the Saqqara Pyramid complex near Cairo.  Excavations continue and more treasures are yet to be found within the colorful walls of the tomb.  It’s an exciting find and will help us learn more about the ancient Egyptian culture.


3)Roman Oil Lamp

While walking along the River Thames during his lunch break, Alan Suttie noticed a curious object come in with a wave.  Even though he wasn’t prepared to grab treasure from the mud, he did so anyway while wearing his best shoes.  And he is glad he did.  The object turned out to be an ancient Roman oil lamp dating back to the 4th or 5th century AD.

4)Pot of Gold Found at Site of a Crusader Massacre

Archaeologists excavating a site of a Crusader Massacre along Israel’s coast, announced the discovery of a small bronze pot containing 24 gold coins and a gold earring.  It was found hidden within the remains of a home dating back to the 11th century.  It’s assumed the stashes’ owner and family perished in the massacre and so their hidden gold remained as such until found by historians.  What other treasures remain to be discovered in this ancient city?

5)Map of the Dead Armchair Treasure Hunt Winner

The Map of the Dead armchair treasure hunt recently ended with a winner from the UK solving the four clues needed to claim the 18K solid gold pyramid prize.  The hunt began with the release of the book, Map of the Dead, in November of 2016.  For the last two years, searchers have been scouring over the pages for clues hidden within the book.

Murray Bailey, the author of the book and creator of the treasure hunt, announced there was a winner for the 10,000 pound prize in early December.

(More on story and solution to puzzle)

Best of luck with all that seek!  Always Treasure the Adventure!

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