How was the word search secret message found? Let’s take a look at this puzzle inside the book There’s Treasure Inside by Jon Collins-Black.

The word search is one of the clues for finding The Past and Future treasure box. This box is only one of 5 different treasures hidden across the United States in the hunt. Total treasures hidden value into the millions (more on the entire treasure hunt)

The word search is shown on page 226 of the book, inside chapter 26. Jon says ‘You may ignore all 3 letter words and some proper nouns.’

To find the secret message searchers first circle words found within the 20×15 block of letters. The secret message is hidden in the leftover letters – and of which need anagrammed (rearranged).

Marked in YELLOW, and listed on the right, are the words found in the word search. There are other words that could be found, like Less or Yeoman, however, if they were used the secret message wouldn’t work. It is a give and take situation. And it is not clear what exactly Jon intended – other than the hidden message is intentional.

The secret message letters are marked in GREEN. The letters need rearranged or anagrammed. For instance, the first green block is RETEH which is THERE.

Word Search Secret Message There's Treasure Inside

The secret message in this example is:

There are five clues in this word search. Do not tell anyone. There are no special bends or turns. Just remain steady to complete the mission.

The message could also be:

There are five clues in this word search. Do not tell anyone. THREE ARE ON special bends or turns. Just remain steady to complete the mission.

There are options, and other letters not used. The O’s, 19 of them, seem to be part of another clue.

There are also State Abbreviations not used in either found words or the secret message. They are placed in the word search somewhat geographically correct. TN is to the west of NC and SC. MA is another option – seen in the top right corner.

Word Search There's Treasure Inside

The remaining letters are thought be part of another cipher to crack. For instance, the first 3 letters, QVU are not used and may decode to another hidden message.

It has been mentioned since 19 is found on the line with QVU, that those letters shift 19 to JON. As if JON is signing his name. (Or goes further to give Join the Pairs)

Some searchers include the letters, BCCASLIY into the further cipher to crack – and then SAPPHIRE in the words found. However, they can be anagrammed to give: BASIC CIPHER PLAYS. An anagram is a basic cipher. It is unclear if this was a hint to find the secret message or is one of the 5 clues, or maybe neither.

Line THEM UP is another phrase found in the word search. But it is not clear if this is one of the 5 clues, or part of the secret message. LINE doesn’t need anagrammed, so it breaks the pattern and makes it questionable.

Line them up word search there's treasure inside

Searchers have also used the I’s and O’s to find a hidden binary message.

There is lots going on. Lots of different options.

One thing is clear though. The Word Search is multilayered and holds 5 clues. What those 5 clues are is exactly will not be known until the Past and Future treasure box is found!