the thrill of the chaseThe complete list of Weekly Words can be found here:

Weekly Words from Forrest Fenn

Weekly Words for January 29th, 2016 are as follows:

(PLEASE NOTE: these words were given to me previously (before Christmas) and so no connections should be made with time/dates of postings)

*It will be there for as long as time has to come, or until you find it


Best of luck with the Thrill of the Chase and all that you seek!





  1. Jenny, can you please explain what you mean when you say he gave you the list of weekly words already, are you deciding from a huge list what gets released every week or was some sort of order established or just what? How many more weeks worth of releases are there? Confused!

  2. This comment is similar to Forrest’s statement that it may be found tomorrow or in a hundred years…or even a thousand years. He is confident that it will still be there somehow. It must be near the top of a mountain such that as the mountain erodes it will always be on top…and not buried. Very interesting.

    I was looking for a picture of mountains to post here. I was originally just going to post picture #8…but the whole page is great so I’ll just share the whole page.

    Not elementary, my dear Watson. Not elementary.

    Thanks again, Jenny and Forrest.

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