Below is a list of the top ten armchair treasure hunts and their lost treasures to find. These hunts are a great way to work the mind, have exciting adventures, and find real life hidden treasures! They allow you to research, discover, and solve clues right from the chair of your own home; and then once you feel you have solved enough clues, they either inspire you to go in search and retrieve those hidden treasure caches, or they can be claimed right from your home. How great is that?! 

IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER is a list of top ten armchair treasure hunts. The list is constantly revolving as some hunts get solved and new ones come available.

Please see the following link for a complete list with near 40 armchair treasure hunts listed!

Complete List of Treasure Hunts

(Join discussions – MW Discord or Forum)

1) There’s Treasure Inside

  • Released November 2024 by Jon Collins-Black (Preorder on Amazon)
  • Clues within a book ($49.95)
  • USA – BOTG required
  • Assorted treasures valued at over a million dollars

More information

2) The Hope Chest Treasure Hunt

The hope chest treasure hunt
  • Released January 2023 by Cris Dotson
  • Clues within a book ($90 on website)
  • BOTG required
  • Treasure is $50,000

More Information

3) Lady Liberty’s Treasure Hunt

  • Released 12/2024 by Michael O’Connell
  • Clues within a book (available on Amazon)
  • BOTG required
  • Treasures valued approx. $100,000 (including Riley’s Treasure Chase)

More Information

4) Xavier Marx and The Missing Masterpieces Treasure Hunt

Xavier Marx and the missing masterpiece armchair treasure hunt
  • Released 10/27/21 Sean Cronin
  • Clues within a book: Available on AMAZON ($19)
  • BOTG – (New York)
  • Treasure is $10,000 cash

More Information

5) Cracked!

armchair treasure hunt cracked by professor f
  • Released March, 2021, by Professor F
  • Clues within a Book (Available on Amazon $15)
  • Fully Armchair: Discover 12 passwords for Bitcoin Wallet
  • Treasure is Bitcoin Wallet (currently $25,000)

More Information

6) The Hatter’s Hat

More Information

7) BEST RIDDLES Treasure Hunt Challenge

  • Released January 2023 by David Jacobsen
  • Clues/Riddle within a book (available on Amazon)
  • Fully armchair – solve from home
  • Treasure is a chest filled with coins, jewels, and other valuable items

8) Aree and The Holy Grail

  • Released 2022 by Charlie Hazelton
  • Clues within a book (Available on Amazon)
  • BOTG (email submissions accepted)
  • Treasure is a chalice of silver bars, coins, and jewels

Discussions on the MW Forum or Discord

9) The Cipher ~ Available on YouTube

  • Video released in July 2020
  • Clues within Video (Google Doc linked below video)
  • BOTG required to claim prize
  • Treasure is ‘a mystery’ (approx. $2500)
  • No end date

More Information

10) The Secret: A Treasure Hunt (available on Amazon)

 the secret armchair treasure hunt images

Published in 1982 by Byron Preiss
Book with clues in form of matching Verse and Image
9 buried casques yet to find (Learn where the casques are thought to be)
BOTG search for a Key in the casque- can be redeemed for a gemstone (value varies)
No end date. Hunt remains until all found (Three have been found: 1984/Chicago, 2004/Cleveland, and 2019/Boston)

Go to MW Forum section-Own Board
Go to MW Category on website for more posts

Bonus: Tribute: Hunt for the 13th Casque 

(Image and Verse)

 tribute casque and jewel
  • Hunt released on MW in February 2019 by John Michaels (here)
  • Image and Verse contain clues
  • BOTG is required to retrieve the treasure
  • The Treasure is Original Casque, Silver, and Pink Tourmaline gem (valued over $2,000)
  • No End Date

Six Questions with John Michaels

Go to section on MW Forum
Go to section on MW website

Click Below to go to MW’s Treasure Hunts’ Page

with a full list of hunts on this website.

armchair treasure hunts


  1. I’ve given the 12th Plate one a little bit of work and think I understand some of it pretty well. I also have relatives living in the Greensboro area that may conduct a search.
    I don’t really have the time to crank down on this one, but agree with Jenny that it needs to be solved. So if anyone would like to take a shot at it and run with what I’ve come up with so far, please let me know.

  2. Well this is a pleasant surprise, Jenny.

    I never really thought of Forrest Fenn’s Thrill of the Chase as an “Armchair” Treasure Hunt.

    I’m sure there are those…like myself…trying to reconcile a The Little Girl From India not getting past the first two clues…like Forrest said…without boots on the ground.

    And I’m sure there are others…let’s call them “party poopers” 🙂 …who would say…

    “Now don’t start THAT again!” LOL!

    Now…to figure out what I want to do…or ask someone else what they want do.

  3. Man I’m confused on the 52 Master Pieces. I have no idea how I’m supposed to interact with them. I get the idea of filling in the grids, but I don’t understand some of the puzzles when the answers don’t even matter… Like the 2 guides, 1 liar, 1 truth teller. I know the answer to it but cannot enter it. And it really has no bearing on the grids that I can see. They need a video explaining how to do a sample of one of the masters step by step, so everyone can understand the basics.

    Iron Will
    1. Hi Iron Will, I will be doing a SixQ with the creator of this wonderful site before long…. I’m sure all can be made more clear with that -as I’m too just learning more about the puzzle. But it looks so awesome and fun! Keep puzzling! ~jenny

      Jenny Kile
      1. It won’t Jenny. For one, all the prizes but 3 have been claimed. Grand Prize is gone. Number two, there’s no clear explanation on the process of solving the puzzles, save for a text explanation that doesn’t go into depth enough for people to understand. I just got done talking with them via email, and it seems like an introvert genius recruitment tool. It doesn’t matter if you know the answers to their given puzzles, you still have to follow some vague mysterious protocol to get a grid key. On top of that you have to get two more grid keys to overlap them all. One is a gimme. The HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT key. The other two are downright impossible to find due to no clear visual example of how to solve each of them. Wasted 2 hours of my life being frustrated with it all.

        Iron Will
        1. Sorry you feel that way Iron Will. Everything can’t be for everyone.

          I, myself, am truly enjoying the puzzles and the 52 MP site when I get time; and although the major prizes have been claimed (which was mentioned in the above summary), the fun of challenging yourself, exercising the mind, learning some remarkable history, and more is all still very available.

          I enjoy it for what it is…..which is a beautiful website created to be educational, encourage, inspire, and challenge one to think out side the box.

          The fact there are a few prizes available is a bonus. And when they are gone…it doesn’t matter either. Treasure is found in different ways.

          It’s a puzzle site….offering challenging fun…. and it has for me. For those who don’t like that sort of thing…..I suppose it should be said, ‘These aren’t the things you are looking for… just move along, move along….lol..:)

          Jenny Kile
          1. That Jedi Mind trick worked. I’ve figured out The Hidden in plain sight Key and the Trade Key from the Master Locksmith. Trying to figure out the expert puzzle.

            Iron Will
  4. I don’t think there could be such a thing as a genuine armchair treasure hunt, unless it existed solely on the page, with no treasure or token hidden in a real place. It might be possible to solve a puzzle involving a place you’ve never been to, but I don’t see how you could be certain without visiting the location, unless the treasure hunt setter is kind enough to tell you.

  5. Dear Iron Will (and any other new puzzlers with similar questions),

    Welcome, and thanks for taking the time to post your comments. I suspect that many players have felt similarly perplexed the very first time they visited the site. That said, we’ve had thousands of correctly submitted solutions, so hopefully we can help to guide you on track.

    There are two layers to this contest…the “surface layer” which is accessible to everyone, and the contest layer, which is admittedly much more challenging. As you proceed through the book page by page, you’ll see hundreds of self-contained puzzles, with hints and answers available. This is the primary resource that provides puzzles for players of all ages and skill levels.

    For a contest with $5200 in prizes, it was necessary to make the contest layer more challenging, or else many players might have solved everything too quickly. Even with the new “How to Solve a Master Piece” feature we’ve added, the contest puzzles are meant to take time and persistence, often requiring players to learn about other puzzles that are explained throughout the site. The “How to Solve a Master Piece” was only recently added after the major prizes had been awarded.

    Any good puzzle will first appear to be impossible, and then straightforward once understood. We’ve taken great care to make sure that even the most challenging puzzles in this contest are comprised of steps that are fair, logical, and non-arbitrary. At some point we will reveal the steps of an individual Master’s solution (one whose prize has already been redeemed) to help explain the contest mechanism. Until then, I’d encourage you to have some fun with the individual puzzles throughout the site. The more you do, the more the hidden puzzles throughout the site may begin to reveal themselves and their solutions will make much more sense.

    All the best,
    David Cohen, author of 52 Master Pieces

    P.S. In the future, please feel free to email us directly at

  6. Wow, thanks Jenny! I wouldn’t technically call mine an armchair treasure hunt since there’s physical retrieval of the treasure involved.

    It’s like you’re reading my mind, though. Since the value isn’t as great as some others (and doesn’t really encourage long distance participation), I’ve been considering tweaking it a bit to make it a true armchair hunt where someone with the correct solve could win the giftcards (but not the other contents of cache). Thoughts on that modification?

    The Bossall one is an awesome armchair treasure hunt that I’ve been working on for months. Great stuff! I highly recommend it.

  7. Thank you Jenny. We do want the 12th Plate coin to be found before the end date in December.

    Madesquare makes a great point about “genuine armchair” hunts. And, though we believe this one will be solved by one of you or a Raleigh local (if you are not), it is nice to point out that we released a January clue and plan to do so for, well, each of the 12 months.

    Since these clues may only make since to those in the hunt ~ and we want it solved ~ it may just be that in December, we take Madesquare post to “heart” (see there, it’s V-day). Hmmm…offer up in December as part if any final clue that if a treasure hunter in the game can tell us exactly where it is, we could get it for them. Great Thinking!

  8. Hi Jenny – An important update regarding my little hunt. As of September 16, 2017 the cache has been found BUT the gift cards have not been claimed!

    The finder has 30 days to claim the gift cards.

    If the gift cards are not claimed per the instructions in the book (and found on my site) by 11:59pm EST on October 16, 2017 this will become a legit armchair treasure hunt – no travel needed to win the gift cards!

    The gift card balance is now locked in at $700. The balance will no longer grow. This prevents a finder from delaying their claim in an attempt to grow the reward.

    I’ll provide additional guidelines on my site if the gift cards are not claimed by the deadline.

      1. Thanks Jenny! I’m still waiting for the finder to claim the gift cards.

        So while the cache has been discovered, the hunt may not be over.

        It may become a true armchair treasure hunt worth $700.

        Stay tuned!

  9. I worked “The Secret” for a couple months this year before coming across a solution for Image 2, Verse 5, but unfortunately my dig request was denied by the landowner. Turns out that the new publisher doesn’t have a record of the casque locations, even though they put the book back in print and claim that “The hunt is still on…”

    Anyway, I published my work on the Quest 4 Treasure forums for other hunters’ use, but I don’t know if this “third casque” location will ever be validated without an actual dig.

  10. Pingback: Top Ten Armchair Treasure Hunts (March 2018)

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