there's treasure inside treasure facts

As more and more information is being released, searchers are gathering quite a few Treasure Facts on the There’s Treasure Inside treasure hunt by Jon Collins-Black.

This page will be updated as other facts become available. Here are the facts known now:

Overview of There’s Treasure Inside treasure hunt:

Facts on Locations of the Hidden Treasure Boxes:

  • Hidden in the US –  no more than one box in any state
  • None on Private Property
  • All in ‘Safe’ places
  • No Digging – treasure boxes are NOT BURIED – they are hidden
  • Shovel or Metal Detector not necessary
  • JCB says don’t search when snow is on the ground
  • JCB suggested doing a grid search of the believed area – check every nook and cranny

Facts on the Treasure Clues:

  • Clues within the book, which once solved correctly, will take a searcher to the location of a treasure box within ‘decent proximity’
  • Clues to the Lion’s Share box (largest box with treasure valued over a million) are scattered throughout the book
  • Clues to the smaller treasure boxes are within their given chapter. These chapters are The Forrest Fenn Box, The Pokémon Box, The Past and Future Box, and The Appalachian Footpath Box
  • NO CLUES within the postscript section of the book where JCB covers safety for the hunt
  • JCB said he put at least one clue in his children’s book, Our Unbreakable Thread

Other Facts on the Treasure Hunt:

As more facts become known, this page will be updated. Join discussions on the MW Discord or Forum. See you there!

There's Treasure Inside