Get up to date with the There’s Treasure Inside Guide: Quick Start – for all treasure boxes (more complete guide here)
Certain questions and ideas come up time and again since the release of There’s Treasure Inside. Plus, some of the most common ideas in the hunt now have their own treasure hunt lingo and abbreviations. This could be confusing for those just getting started.
So – if new to discussions or coming back after a break and need a refresher — the following are a few quick things to get you up to date…. on each of the treasure boxes. Each short segment provides links to further details if you want to dive deeper.
TTI Treasure Hunt Summary:
Jon Collins-Black hid 5 different treasure boxes across the United States. Clues necessary to find the treasures – valued into the millions – are all in the book: There’s Treasure Inside (available on Amazon).
Things relating to ALL 5 TREASURE BOXES to know:
Top 5 Hunt Abbreviations:
- JCB: Jon Collins-Black
- TTI: There’s Treasure Inside
- BOTG: Boots on the Ground (physically on location)
- LS Box- Lion’s Share Box
- MW: Mysterious Writings (website/discord)
- More Hunt Lingo
Top 5 FAQ – answered
- JCB said the PR Map of 5 different regions shown in his video is NOT ACCURATE (History for Weirdos)
- JCB said he will NOT ULTIMATELY KNOW when a box is found UNLESS the searcher contacts him (Six Questions)
- JCB said there are NO PROXIES – each treasure box filled with treasure (however, he left incentives to contact him. (Six Questions) Many feel some of the larger and more fragile treasure items MIGHT not be in the box and be the incentives (discussed)
- Typos are NOT CLUES – on JCB’s website he addressed this in his FAQ section – he says, “In short, I did not misspell any words, abbreviations, or proper nouns in my book intentionally. Nor did I state any incorrect dates or ages on purpose.”
- The smaller treasure boxes are believed to be around 6x4x4. The LS Box is larger. Below are size comparison images based on known facts.
- More FAQ
TOP 10 FACTS To Know about the Hunt
- Not on Private Property
- Not in a dangerous place
- Hidden NOT buried
- No special equipment needed (No boat, No shovel, Metal Detector not necessary)
- No need to wade through / across high water
- Not more than 3 miles from any road
- No need to wander so far off public trail to feel you could get lost
- Jon said “theoretically they could be some place where you have to pay to get in to..”
- None are in man-made structures. They are hidden outside
- Jon said do not search when snow is on the ground
- More Facts to know
Quick Start Guides for Each Treasure Box – with links to further details
Lion’s Share Treasure Box Quick Start
Summary of box: This treasure box is the largest of all the boxes with its treasure inside valued over a million. Clues to this box can be found anywhere in the book. Jon says most chapters in P1 hold at least one clue.
Abbreviations to know:
- LS Box: Lion’s Share box
- JS: Joy’s Serenade Poem in back
- P1: Part one (chapters 1-23)
- P2: Part two (chapters 24-27)
Top 5 Things Discussed:
- Page 90 is missing – considered a clue
- There are typos in the book, but as mentioned above, Jon addressed the typos. Many of them have since been corrected in the eBook.
- The smaller boxes show commemorative coins for each of their boxes. There is none shown for the LS box. It is unclear why
- In the MW Six Questions, Jon mentioned once all the clues for the Lion’s Share box are understood correctly, the location of where the treasure box is hidden is given pretty exact.
- This box is said to be more difficult to solve – compared to the other 4 smaller treasure boxes – even though there are more clues given to find it.
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Treasures Inside Box: Jon doesn’t specify all of the treasures that are inside this box. It will hold all remaining treasure items that are talked about and are not found in the smaller boxes.
Pokémon Treasure Box Quick Start:
Summary: The Pokémon box is one of the 4 smaller boxes. Clues to the box are in Chapter 25 of the book, There’s Treasure Inside. It includes a fictional story about various Pokémon and how they helped hide the treasure box.
Abbreviations to know: Multiple searchers have noted clues to Arkansas (and other areas)– because they are discussed a lot the following abbreviations are being used:
- HIH – Hemmed in Hollow
- BNR – Buffalo National River
- NOLA – New Orleans Louisiana
Top 5 Things Discussed:
- The chapter includes an account of a family trip Jon took when he was younger. He writes, “Because of all the precious memories I had of my road trip to Houston, I decided it would be fitting to leave a treasure box NOT FAR from some place I had visited along that journey.”
- The trip was ‘circular’ – from Statesville NC to Houston (headed SouthWest through New Orleans) – then make trek back past the Ozarks. It is believed to be NOT FAR from some place on that family trip.
- JCB tells a fictional story about how he and various Pokémon hid the treasure box. Many phrases in that story connect to trails and other features around the Buffalo National River in Arkansas.
- There is a photo at the end of the story, that although ‘overexposed’, seems to match landscapes of that area.
- The following typos have been noted: These were corrected in the ebook. The Pokemon -Swampart should be Swampert. Froaking should be Froakie. The ‘A’ is missing in five and [a] half (first sentence) – This has not been addressed by Jon yet
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Pokémon Box Treasure Value: JCB said this box is ‘comfortably in six digits’. Treasures stated to be in this box are at least one of the rare Pokémon cards and the Faberge Frog with ruby eyes.
Appalachian Footpath Treasure Box Quick Start
Summary of AT Box: Clues to this box are in Chapter 27. It is the last and shortest of the smaller box chapters. It only contains 3 pages. One of which is a cryptic map. Right before the map page, Jon writes: “…..And since I’ve basically admitted to you that this treasure is somewhere along the Appalachian trail, all that’s left for you to do is follow the map. Have fun my friend. Your treasure awaits”
Abbreviations to know:
- AT: Appalachian Trail
- LRP: Little Rock Pond
- GM: Green Mountain (Vermont/VT)
Top 5 Things Discussed:
- The dashed trail on the map was found to exactly match a side trail along the Appalachian Trail in Vermont at Little Rock Pond. Numerous searchers have had BOTG there but the box remains unfound. Many are discussing, how is the matched trail used? Noting the spot, given as a clue towards another location, or a red herring?
- Typos noted in chapter (not clues): 2000 corrected to 2200
- The words on the map are believed by most to say, “Go Fetch, Look Around, and Car North. The faint word(s) near the end of the trail are less agreed upon but most think 1727 NE. The one at the top- ? POI? Unclear
- Each of the icons on the map are discussed. What do they mean and how are they used? No one knows. (more on the map features)
- Many of the icons have been connected to VT. But again, these are interpretations. Many searchers have linked them elsewhere too.
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AT BOX Treasure Value: Jon says this treasure box contains more items featured in part 1 of the book than any of the other smaller boxes. He does not say what any of the treasures to find will be but valued ‘comfortably in the six digits.’
NOTE: An exact match to LRP in VT was believed found back in Oct/Nov 2024. Since then it’s been noted that some shenanigans are going on. Trails on maps are being altered to make LRP not match or make other trails look like they match. Names for trails and landmarks have also been noticed to be recently edited. Check HISTORY of all open source items – when looking at maps for this box or any other.
The trail was known to look like this at time of the hunt’s release:
Past and Future Treasure Box
Summary of PF Box: Clues to the PF Box are in Chapter 26. The chapter is 5 pages long and includes a Word Search and Cryptogram.
Abbreviations to know:
- PF Box: Past and Future Box
- WS: Word Search
- RPO: Ready Player One (the book)
Top 5 Things Discussed:
- The Cryptogram has been solved. (more here)
- A secret message has been discovered in the WS. It is believed to say, “There are five clues in this word search. but do not tell anyone. there are no special bends or turns. just remain steady to complete the mission.” What it means or if it that is the actual message to be found continues to be debated. (more here)
- RPO is prominent in this chapter. Jon recommends the book. It is unclear how that might come into play
- Clues to Ohio have been found. However, clues to Lake Tahoe, North Carolina, and others have been found too.
- There are eight number words found in the WS. 9, 19, 3, 3, 5, 11, 12, 0. How they are used is discussed
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Treasures Inside PF box: Jon says this box will hold at least one fully loaded Bitcoin. No other treasures are specified – but is valued ‘comfortably in the six digits’.
Forrest Fenn Treasure Box Quick Start
Summary of FF Box: The FF box is the first of the smaller box chapters in P2. Chapter 24. Clues are mainly thought to be in the poem given at the end. Anyone who worked on the Forrest Fenn treasure hunt immediately recognizes similarities. JCB’s poem includes 6 stanzas each of 4 lines – just like FF’s poem. Similar phrases are used too. This box is believed hidden in the Rocky Mountains.
Abbreviations to know:
- FF Box: Forrest Fenn box
- RM: Rocky Mountains
- WWWH: Where Warm Waters Halt (in original Fenn Poem)
- HoB: Home of Brown (in original Fenn Poem)
Top 5 Things Discussed:
- Typos corrected (in eBook): Santa Fe, AZ corrected to Santa Fe, NM and Here corrected to HEAR in the poem
- Most feel it is in the Rocky Mountains and in one of the following 4 search states: Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, or New Mexico.
- Jon Collins-Black’s poem includes phrases similar to those found in Forrest Fenn’s poem. Heavy loads, canyon round, Brown, home, drawing nigh, blaze, marvel gaze, and even warm waters’ halt.
- Searchers question is ‘Heavy Loads’ in the JCB poem same as ‘Heavy Loads’ in the FF Poem. In the FF Poem it was the chest.
- Searchers question if ‘Where cool water flows’ in the JCB poem equates to where Jon thought WWWH in the FF Poem
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Treasure Inside FF BOX: Jon has said the Olive Jar with FF’s Autobiography is inside this box. As well as at least one other item he purchased from the FF Auction. Like the other smaller boxes it is valued comfortably in the six digits.