During the competition of the Maranatha Puzzle, a new website was established which introduced a unique method for accessing pages. In order to enter the inner workings of the site, a person needed to ‘dial a page’. To proceed, say into the ‘LIBRARY’, a person would first click on the letter ‘L’ of the dial and the dial would then turn. Once all of the letters (or numbers) of the word were entered (and registered a correct code), a person would be able to move the Cross onto the Dial and the desired page would ‘unlock’ and open.
The Cross and Dial could be seen much like a Key to a Door. A puzzler could not enter unless the approved method was applied. Considering how this particular Key or process into a Time Monk page operated may offer hints for finding a message inside the puzzle book. Could a similar process be used to discover a ‘secret message’ inside the book?(like a page on the website)
The gold Dial was found in the upright corner of the website. The letters corresponded to the following numbering:
Z=1, ABC=2, DEF=3, GHI=4, JKL=5, MN=6, PRS=7, TUV=8, WXY=9, OQ=0

The gold Cross was positioned on the left side of the home page and once moved onto the Dial, would later go to rest, off of the Dial, after the page appeared.
The old style rotary, with its pulse dialing, certainly seemed to be the heart of the site. It controlled the movements into the secret dossiers and denied access if the input of numbers was incorrect. It did not work alone, though. The Cross had to be used and placed on top of this key element. Together, they very much guarded the information which was hidden within.
Taking these observations back to the puzzle, the clues, and other research, similarities are noticed. One of which is the clue of February 2006; “Buried beneath where the Paths of Ermine and Icknield mark the spot, Answers and more secrets can be found.” Considering that the Paths are ‘Crossroads’, it would seem to suggest that beneath the Cross (X marks the spot), answers and more secrets can be found.
Although additional elements, like the curious Royston Cave which is beneath those particular paths, also seem suggested and need consideration, the cross placed over a location where things are hidden is fascinating. It helps open up a cave of treasures; much like it did on the Time Monk website when placed on the Dial.
not sure if others have done this already, but along these lines, I made a cutout of the Maranatha logo and I’m trying to use it to find pertinent alignments in the decrypted text
Maybe the Icknield/Ermine cross pointed at Royston, and that maybe Royston was named after ‘Rohesia’s Cross’ . If Rohesia is read as red/rose, then Rohesia’s Cross is Rose Cross – Rosenkreutz.
I don’t think Rohesia’s cross is the only meaning of rose cross. However, I find it interesting that it’s almost exactly on the Greenwich meridian, and almost exactly at 52 degrees North latitude. It makes one wonder if the Greenwich meridian was somehow already known in the Middle Ages. And how would they determine longitude in those days?
” Are you like those who came, saw and conquered? Have you discovered the secret history of the standard of the land?”
-particularly the flag after James VI becomes the 1st.
I agree, a mechanism like a dial is exactly what we are looking for.