Pokémon Treasure box

The Pokémon treasure box is one of the 4 smaller boxes to find in the There’s Treasure Inside treasure hunt by Jon Collins-Black. Like the other smaller treasure boxes it is valued comfortably in the six-digits. The Lion’s Share box, the fifth and largest box to find, is valued over a million.

Current discussions on the hidden treasure boxes on the MW Discord

Pokémon Treasure Box Facts

  • Clues to find this box are in chapter 25 of the book
  • The chapter tells of a family trip JCB took when he was five years old
  • This family trip inspired him to hide the box ‘not far’ from some place he had visited along that journey (circular trip: NC to TX and back past the Ozarks)
  • It is the most expensive box of the 4 smaller treasure boxes. It is brass with silver foil inlay.
  • Inside this box is at least one rare Pokémon card – valued over $25,000
  • A Faberge Frog (value approx $20,000) is also inside this treasure box

Pokémon Treasure Box Clues

This chapter (25) is the longest of Part Two. It is 9 pages long with a chapter face page showing two rare Pokémon Cards – instead of the puzzle box like the other 3 smaller box chapters show.

  • The chapter begins recounting a family trip JCB took when he was 5 and a half years old
  • JCB says he hid the treasure box ‘not far’ from somewhere he visited along that trip
  • Further clues include a fictional story about various Pokémon and how they helped JCB hide the box
  • There is an overexposed photo at the of the chapter that may hold clues as well

The various Pokémon mentioned in the story are believed to hold clues – possibly relating to the location of the box. For instance, in the story, JCB thought he heard a ‘Mabosstiff’ – a dog type Pokémon. But it was mentioned that would be unlikely and pointed to a sign. For this reason, it is thought a ‘no dogs allowed’ sign is at the trailhead of the location of the box.

The story goes on to mention other Pokémon and events. (More on the Pokémon Mentioned)

Pokémon Treasure Box Coin

Pokemon treasure box coin there's treasure inside

One of the treasures inside the Pokémon box is a commemorative coin for its box. Each of the smaller treasure boxes are to have them. These coins were produced by Seth Gould, who also produced the treasure puzzle boxes. Although an image of each treasure box coin is shown in its respective chapter – it is unclear if they are clues. More on the Treasure Box Coins – Clues?

Pokémon Treasure Theories

  • Searchers feel the story, as well as the different Pokémon and photo at the end of the chapter, provides clues on where to find this box

As more information becomes available this page will be updated.

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