The Maranatha-Et in Arcadia Ego Puzzle text was first encoded by using a code known as the Pigpen Cipher. The letter R in the puzzle’s title on the front cover uses the equivalent pigpen symbol and hints readers to the deciphering method for inside the book.
Thirty pages of text in format of 12×13 lines, along with one differing page of only ten lines of varying lengths, utilized the pigpen symbols. All total, 4783 characters formed the mysterious writing which was discovered within.
One of the first clues (October 15, 2005) informed the puzzler; “Look to the Pig-Pen Cipher. It has been used to hide secrets for centuries. With it you can read what is written!” It was quickly realized the code was only the very top layer of the puzzle. The decoded text of phrases, along with the seven images was where the depth of the puzzle would eventually be found.
The Pigpen Cipher is a simple substitution type of code. Each letter in the text is replaced by a correlating symbol. As seen in the cipher key, the letter S would be represented by V; the lines/’pen’ in which the letter of the alphabet rests. It was a popular, earlier form of encoding and was mentioned in both the puzzle’s parchment and companion as being used by the freemasons in the 1700’s.
The Maranatha Companion goes on to reference the source for the cipher as being the AIQ BKR. This has origins within the ancient system of the Cabala; a Judaic mysticism. Agrippa, in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy, chapter xxx (manner of making character, delivered by Cabalists), describes it as “once being held in great esteem, but now it is so common, that is placed amongst the profane things.”
The AIQ BKR is commonly referred to as the Cabala of nine chambers. Inside each of the nine squares of only one grid are three letters and their associated numbers. Dots would then be placed inside the ‘pen’ according to which class it was. One dot was used for the first position, two for second, and three for the third position.
This grid was further used for creating talismans and amulets. Spelling names within the grid of the AIQ BKR, and drawing lines from letter to letter, would form a pattern in which could be utilized. The associated constructs were believed to then contain a power of influence over the related names.
When the Maranatha puzzle competition ended, the design of the Tree of Life was revealed. This was formed by the alchemical/planetary symbols dispersed amongst the images. The Tree of Life holds an important imagery within the Cabala practice and so it would seem from the very start of the puzzle, with the inclusion of the Pigpen Cipher, to near its end, this ancient system called the Cabala was entwined.
Something told me to look up tic tac toe letters and numbers. I did this when I was about 4-5. On a kiddy fold up, stand up, chalkboard. I’m sure you won’t believe me.