The Past and Future box is one of the 4 smaller treasure boxes to find in There’s Treasure Inside treasure hunt by Jon Collins-Black. The value of the smaller treasure boxes are each said to be ‘comfortably’ valued in the six-digits. The Lion’s Share box, the largest box, is valued over a million. All clues necessary are in the book, There’s Treasure Inside (Book available on Amazon)
Let’s take a look at what is publicly known about the clues, facts, and theories on the Past and Future box. This page will be updated as more information becomes available. Active discussions on the hunt here: MW Discord or Forum .
What are the Facts about The Past and Future Box?
- This box is valued comfortably in the six-digits
- Inside this box is at least one fully loaded Bitcoin
- General location of this box is not given – unlike the Appalachian Footpath Box and the Forrest Fenn Box
- Clues for finding this box include a multilayered word search and cryptogram
- The treasure box, like the other 3 smaller puzzle boxes, will hold a unique laminated clue to the Lion’s Share/Largest treasure box – valued at over a million dollars
- Jon mentions in this chapter about creating NFT’s for items in a treasure box for the Finder of each box. He says this is an optional technological bonus awaiting the finder. It has been questioned if these NFT’s are the incentives Jon referred to in the MW Six Questions.
What are the Clues to Find this Treasure Box?
- Clues to find this box are in the 26th Chapter of the book.
- Clues include a Word Search and Cryptogram.
- The text of the chapter references Nakamoto Satoshi, Bitcoin, Ready Player One, Pac-Man, Adventure, Zork, Dungeons and Dragons.
- The movies Wargames and Monty Python and the Holy Grail are specifically mentioned
- In the eBook description for this book chapter release was the following: “Inspired by the book Ready Player One, the clues to the whereabouts of this box lie in the pages, games, and puzzles inside this book. Consider the author’s past and present to help you find this treasure”.
What has been found in the Word Search for the PF Box?
The Word Search has been found to be multilayered – with a hidden message being discovered to possibly say: ‘There are Five Clues in This Word Search. Do not tell anyone. There are no special bends or turns. Just remain steady to complete the mission’ Other ciphers, and possible map have also been found.
More on Word Search secret message
Letter Pairs in the Word Search (TOP SECRET)
What has been found in the Cryptogram?
The Cryptogram has been solved. There are noted curiosities and ideas being discussed on the MW Discord.
More on How the Cryptogram was solved
Past and Future Treasure Box Coin
A commemorative coin is found inside each of the smaller treasure boxes. Seth Gould, who also produced the treasure boxes, also created the coins. Each connects to its own box. It is unclear if the treasure box coins are clues or are merely decorative. MORE ON THE COINS: CLUES?
Theories on How to Solve Clues and Find this Box?
Searchers have suggested that the Hidden Message in the Word Search directs a searcher to look for 5 other clues. It has been suggested the State, Park, and Trail names are found within the word search once correctly solved. This is not confirmed, however. The word search utilizes anagrams, and with enough letters, and without precise rules, most anything can be spelled out. It would seem the advice given by Jon to be careful of Confirmation Bias should be followed.
The cryptogram at the bottom of the page directs a searcher to a more precise location on that trail. (more on that here)
It is debated by searchers if the clues in the chapter lead to things outside of the book, to other chapters in the book, or if they are self-contained in the chapter.
Lake Tahoe Treasure Clues have been found – red herring or is there a box hidden there?
Searching for the Past and Future Treasure Box – Treasure Stories
Searching Lake Tahoe Area – Johnny_Rockstar

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