mystery of rennes le chateauFor most people, January 17th is just another day.  However, for those familiar with the mystery of Rennes le Chateau, it brings to mind, not only the phrase ‘Blue Apples’, but many other peculiar appearances of the date in regard to Rennes le Chateau. (They are mentioned here: Number 17)

The mystery of Rennes le Chateau began in the late 19th century with the appointment of Berenger Sauniere as priest for the area’s hilltop church.  The church of Rennes le Chateau was said to be in total disarray, and in urgent need of repair upon his arrival.  With the little money Sauniere was able to gather, he slowly began to make updates in order to restore the church and lands.  It is during these renovations that the mystery starts to take shape.

Workers, who were helping Sauniere with repairs, are said to have witnessed Sauniere make a few unexpected discoveries within the church.  Some accounts say he found hidden glass vials with papers tucked inside.  Others say he discovered a secret entry to a lost tomb.  And yet further accounts relate how he unearthed pots of gold and other valuable treasures. Some even think, all are possibly to have happened; for the area was rich with history and royal activities.

What exactly Sauniere found is part of the mystery yet today.  However, it seems certain he did at least discover some things of worth during this time of remodel.  For after this, he began to spend extravagant amounts of money; more money than his job as a priest could ever offer explanation.

Besides his expenditures far exceeding monies received from normal (or illegal) duties of a priest, his actions surpassed those as well.  He traveled often, to where, no one knows for certain, and he luxuriously entertained prominent guests within a Villa he built on lands purchased next to his church.  He built a stone tower serving as a library, and collected numerous books, paintings, and other items to house there.

He was also seen in the cemetery late at night digging, and remodeled his church in curious detail and fullness.  His unusual behavior and endeavors (the above mentioned are only a few), lead some to believe the church’s decorations and layout hold clues to what he profited greatly from.

One of the church’s remodels involves the installation of stained-glass windows, one featuring Lazarus. It is from the Lazarus window that light shines through and creates the appearance of ‘blue apples’ or colored orbs at midday on January 17th on the church’s wall.

This light phenomenon is only made significant because the phrase ‘midday blue apples’ is part of a longer message which was supposedly deciphered from one of the papers hidden in a glass vial that Sauniere found (while renovating).  The message in its entirety is:

“Shepherdess no temptation that poussin and teniers hold the key pax 681 by the cross and this horse of god I complete this guardian demon at midday blue apples.” 

However, there is serious doubt for the phrase Midday Blue Apples to link to the window’s light show, if the discovered parchment was genuinely found by Sauniere.  Sauniere allegedly found the ‘coded parchment with hidden message’ while renovating, and it was Sauniere who installed the window.  It is doubtful, within the timeframe of finding and deciphering the message, to the installment of window, that they be related.

One might ask then ‘what does Midday Blue Apples mean within the message?’  Or what does the message of whole imply?

Or you might ask, ‘if Blue Apples is to refer to the light phenomena, then who created the parchment’s message, and why?’

As with anything involving Rennes le Chateau, it always seems a person is left with more questions, than answers, while researching the mystery.

That is why the mystery of Rennes le Chateau still exists, and the question remains, ‘what valuable treasure or secret did Berenger Sauniere discover?’

I have to wonder if answers soon might begin to appear like ‘blue apples’ shining through the window?  Time will tell.

Here is a post with summaries of books to start one’s search: Rennes le Chateau research books and links

Best of luck with all that you seek!  Treasure the Adventure!



  1. Hi Jenny- while no one can perhaps be 100% certain about all the details surrounding the mysteries of RLC, I do feel recently more certain about the circles which B.S. moved in in the late 1800s and some of the groups he might have been aligned with. Whether Masonic, Martinist or Rosicrucian, a more clear picture of his relationship to these groups is emerging after some more research I’ve made this year. There was a large resurgence of esoteric orders in the late 1800s in general. And southern France was quite intricately involved with that. Hope to write a follow up on this soon.


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