In 2005, an armchair treasure hunt was released by the title of Maranatha, Et in Arcadia Ego, by Duncan Burden. Although this hunt has now ended, the mysteries it encompassed, continues to be explored. One of which is the word Maranatha and the ancient secret in the legendary tome of Nicolas Flamel.
Maranatha, the treasure hunt, was to mimic the alchemical book of Nicolas Flamel (1330-1418). The introduction to the puzzle stated, in referring to Flamel’s lost book, “What was never lost was the secret the book contained. So here is the author’s own version of that sacred relic. Hidden within the following twenty-one pages is that secret that has been searched for, the ‘Key’. So do you accept the challenge, will you find the secret?”
The authors of Maranatha claimed to have discovered Flamel’s historic secret, and sought to release that powerful information through the puzzle book pages. The puzzle was to guide searchers on a journey, so they could realize the hidden Truth for themselves by solving the clues.
The Maranatha puzzle ended without definite conclusion, or with a winner of the proposed prize. A Tilted Hexagram, however, was given as a representation of the ‘Key’. But the Key’s complete significance eludes those of hunt, and the Secret remains in question. What was the full meaning of the Secret, the ‘Key’?
The legend of Nicolas Flamel claims an ancient tome came into Flamel’s possession, after an angel, who was holding the book, appeared to him in a dream. The angel said to him, “Look well at this book, Nicolas. At first you will understand nothing in it; neither you nor any other man. But, one day, you will see in it what no other man will be able to see.”
The legend tells that Flamel searched for twenty one years for answers to the book’s meaning. He journeyed far, seeking help to understand the book’s secrets, and eventually learned the secrets of the book. It was with those secrets he was able to turn lead into gold by use of the Philosopher’s Stone.
Flamel had said the book held a warning, and that on every page was the word, Maranatha.
So what does the word, Maranatha, mean? It is one of the mysterious, untranslated, words of the Bible. It is used in Corinthians 16:22: “If any man does not love the Lord, let him be anathema. Maranatha. The grace of the Lord be with you.”
Maranatha is believed to be an Aramaic expression for ‘Our Lord Comes!’. In the Verse’s context, it suggests a meaning to prepare for divine judgement. Our Lord is coming = Maranatha.
Is this the same meaning applied in the Maranatha treasure hunt book, and in Flamel’s legendary tome?
In the companion book for the Maranatha puzzle, it was stated there are debates on the actual meaning of the word. Some feel it was used much like we use ‘hello’. ‘Maranatha’. Others felt it was possibly a coded word, used between two Christians during oppressed times, to secretly confirm their shared belief. Yet others felt it held the much more sinister warning for those who were ‘devoted to evil’. Especially when used with ‘Anathema’. It was used to express the need to prepare for the coming of the Lord. It was a dire warning: Maranatha! Repent!
It would seem, since Flamel stated the book held other warnings, that in his book, it was used not as a simple or coded salutation, but as a reminder ‘The Lord Comes’- and ye will be judged accordingly. This suggests the secret of Flamel’s legendary book might relate to how we on Earth should prepare or give us some realization towards that regard. The book was said to ‘sendth health’.
In the Maranatha puzzle book, claiming to hold the same Secret as the one in Nicolas Flame’s book, was the following warning:
“Be gone! I hold the Secrets of God! Maranatha! If any be not like the Scribe of this work, let you be Anathema! Maranatha! If any be not like the Priest of this work, let you be Anathema! Maranatha! For both Strength of a Scholar’s desire and Wisdom of a Priest’s understanding are needed to find the Word. So be you warned that the unworthy shall perish in their efforts to find the Key! For to know the Seal is like a death of your present self, and the Gold is of a purer value than can be perceived in your imagination! So be gone unworthy!”
Nicolas Flamel’s book is lost. The Maranatha Puzzle is over. But yet, the Secret is out there to be discovered. It is one which seems to connect to the Rennes le Chateau Mystery and lost Treasure, and MW will continue in search of it. Join us!
Best of luck with all you seek! Always Treasure the Adventure.