Albrecht Durer (1471-1528), in his 1514 engraving entitled Melencolia I, proves that indeed, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. Filled with alchemical and mystical objects, a viewer could become lost in the forest of meanings. Each item holds numerous layers of interpretation and I certainly won’t even begin to imply I understand all it conveys. I am happy to wonder.
Thinking back to the sentence; “As a rough and unfinished block, man is taken from the quarry and by the secret culture of the Mysteries is gradually transformed into a trued and perfect pyramidal capstone,” which is written in the Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall, and shared in The Missing Capstone, I can’t help but wonder if this offers a connection to the prominently displayed stone in Durer’s image. This assumed truncated rhombohedron sits beside the grindstone and at the base of the ladder.
The ladder has often signified stages of intellectual growth and spiritual enlightenment. It is a symbol of progress with the rungs marking the various levels. It represents a climb, one step at a time, with each rung providing support to reach another, yet higher, understanding. Could the stone, already beginning to be shaped, and positioned at the bottom rung, indicate wisdom starts with knowing one must make the effort to climb? Upon moving up the rungs, man discovers, learns, and gains insight. The rough stone (by progressing up the ladder), is transformed into a more perfect shape; like the capstone mentioned by Hall.
Interestingly, in between the third and fourth rungs of the ladder is depicted a cluster of buildings in Albrecht’s image. Since there are seven liberal arts which are divided by the first three, the Trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric), and then with the last four, the Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy/astrology), could this group of buildings portray a university? Is a suggestion being made that higher learning begins at the joining of the 3rd and 4th rung which may represent the Trivium and Quadrivium?
This linking of 3 and 4 can relate to the order of 3 and 4 Magic Squares; of which one is displayed in the upright corner of Durer’s masterful work. Magic squares are numerical grids in which the sum of any row, column, or diagonal equals the same number. Grids with these properties are considered to have Divine powers and qualities ascribed to them. In the case of Durer’s square, the magic constant is 34. It is a fantastic example of a square portraying mystical meaning. Not only does every row, column, and diagonal equal the magical sum of 34, so do the four corners (making it a gnomon square). The center quadrant, the same cell from each quadrant, shape of the cross points, bottom half of a quadrant with the same above/below, and the diagonals of a quadrant with the opposite cells, all add to 34 as well.
Durer may have wanted a viewer to connect the structure found within the ladder’s 3 and 4 rungs to the magical summed 34 square. Both can characterize learning. But there is another, more significant way, the square connects. Agrippa (1486-1535) assigned planets, and their attributes, to magic squares. Durer’s order of 4 square (4×4) relates to Jupiter and its trait of concord. Many researchers have suggested that Durer’s square offers a balanced solution to the engraving’s discord atmosphere.
Most notably illustrating the depressed atmosphere in Durer’s scene is the winged being sitting beneath the square. In a frustrated posture, she is believed to be the personification of Melancholy. Assumed to be saddened by defeat for understanding, albeit momentary, she rests her head on her hand. This position was also used by Moretto da Brescia in Portrait of a Young Man and expresses the temporary feelings for both head in hand individuals. Written under the man’s cap in the Portrait of a Young Man is, “Alas, I desire too much.”
In keeping with Agrippa’s attributes of the squares (believed to be Durer’s source), it is the order of 3 square (3×3) which can demonstrate disharmony and melancholy. It is assigned to the planet Saturn and base element lead. Although not shown, its traits are obvious in Durer’s scene and he clearly wanted to demonstrate it.
Amazingly, the cure for Melancholy’s disposition can be revealed to her, if she only changes her gaze in the opposite direction. If she turns around, in front of her would be the visibly present order of 4 square. Providing harmony to the characteristics of the order of 3 square, the order of 4 square offers the solution. The importance of the joining of the 3rd with the 4th is again alluded to. A balance or contentment can be found by uniting both. Two opposite squares, balanced together, to convey a meaning which lifts one’s soul.
To go back to the ladder, it would seem a school of thought may be suggested where one of man’s goals is to continue to reach for higher learning; to go beyond the ordinary. As the liberal arts, in older times, were considered essential studies in order to ‘free’ oneself or become a master, the precious value of both the trivium(3) and the quadrivium (4) can be recognized. Could this be one of the meanings Durer so much wants to convey in the ladder and the square? Both are limitless creations.
We do not see the top of the ladder in the image. In Duncan Burden’s responses to Six Questions, he wrote, “ladders disappearing into the heavens”. I love the image those words bring to my mind. I love not knowing all and love the climb into the unknown.
So there are my 1000 words on the picture (a little less), but I would love to hear some of yours. Feel free to comment on any object in the image or on the above. It is a golden piece of work.
There is alot going on in this pictures. You are right there are levels to mans development and with each reincarnation and depending on what part of adam ha rinson they belong too.
we share first 3 levels with beast of this world, desire for food, shelter and sex.
we have additional levels of desire that make us human : money, power,knowledge and spirituality.
In the picture you can see all seven of these desires from the beast on the group to light shining from afar.
This light is actual how we called upon its shines on us from afar and pulls us towards it, we are compled to climb.
A person is only called upon once they fulfilled the 6 lower desires below the spiritual level.Its very special desire that can not be fulfilled by any material pleasures but by only moving towards the light can real pleasure be obtained.
Hence the angel is sad , she looks up at the distance light and finds the material things she has played with empty and no longer pleasurable. Her pass lays all around here empty and worthless.(note when man relates to God as species are seen as female and God as male hence female in picture)
I want to say some thing about ladders. A ladder is made up of rungs and 2 vertical posts. A person climbs up these rungs in bewteen the 2 vertical posts. This is how a person progresses towards the light.
Duncan is correct in what says we don;t know what are next level on the rung of the ladder will be, this is out of our hands. All we can do is make the effort to climb and the rest is down to higher forces. With each new level of the ladder we are given additional material to build one side of the vertical post of the ladder. Once we built that additional post to next level the other vertical post is created automatical by higher realm and we move up to next level.
Here lies a universal law. That we must always move forward with no apparent reward, stop and think about that. Doing something that gets harder and harder and harder the higher you climb. There is no reward for your effort. In fact it all you can see the one side of the vertical post and it seems to you things are getting worse.
This is the path and system that prepares you for enter to the spiritual worlds. The work is done in complete darkness ( by darkness i mean we do not know why we are doing this work for no reward).
People have already taken this journey and documented it for us. This knowledge is held in the Bible, Kabbalah sufism. etc.
I could rabble on all day about this picture. Hope what i typed is useful
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Could I take you back to the truncated tetrahedron mystery? As a professional engineer and having seen how many attempts have been made in trying to solve the mystery behind this object I took what I suppose would be an unconventional step by imploding the entire shape. Notice how ‘all’ of its facets had been paired off together with one in reverse directly opposite the other. My suspicion is this was planned for a further revelation.
In my experience hidden detail can often be an important factor during any planned construction.. So it occurred to me that if all the facets of the shape including the top and the bottom triangles in their geometric forms were joined together across the shape something spectacular would take place at the centre. You could say that a geometric collision would suddenly happen creating a fascinating star burst. To prove my point take just two of the opposing panels and join them together and notice how one six pointed star has been formed which I am sure you will instantly recognise. If you combine all of them in this way a stylised object not unlike the one shining in the sky above in the engraving is quite possible. But all this would be totally unseen by an outside untrained observer with out having insight..
(An interesting quotation attributed to Albrecht Durer:: Whoever then proves his point and demonstrates the prime truth geometrically should be believed by the world, for there we are captured.)
Do remember this is just a proposal and not in any way conclusive – the mystery continues
Keep up the good work. Terence F. Dick.
A lot of of what you say does make sense. I especially like the idea of the “starburst.” Drurer had a similar painting (discussed on this website) regarding “Alchemy,” although I forgot the name of it. That painting also includes a light bursting in the background, which is reminiscent of a “starburst.” I also notice that that the TT is placed on it’s side, as if to make it appear as if it is unbalanced, and there is a “balancing of the scales” placed in the painting as if to draw attention to some fact, perhaps regarding the sides of the TT.
Notice the Ladder in the painting. My own understanding is that the Angel in the picture with the compass in his hand is Jacob, and the theme of the painting has to do with Jacob’s struggle to understand the concept of “a ladder which leads to heaven.” “Melancolia” suggests a state of mind. The nails & saw & piece of torn wood on the floor suggests the tearing down and rebuilding of a house.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the “balancing” theme has something to do with 2 of the sides of the TT. It’s possible that the Angel is using geometry in some attempt to figure which out which of the 2 sides of the TT help to bring it into balance to ignite it’s power.
For example, let’s assume for a moment that the TT shape is some reference to a rock (or crystal). You might hold the TT in the palm of your hand on one side, and another side might be pressed against another part of the body. Then again, it’s difficult for me to tell whether or not each of the sides of the TT are equal. At least they don’t appear to look that way from the painting, but I could be wrong. Neither am I attempting to dismiss the “engineering” aspect of the whole mystery as it could relate to the understanding of things like the “Merkaba.” Then again, perhaps there’s different ways that apply to the understanding of a single mystery.
Hello, Mark. Your comment about the angel being Jacob sitting next to the ladder…which leads to Heaven reminded me of a song by one of my favorite bands. I hope I’m not detracting by posting this. I am awed by the power of “The Heavens” sometimes. It’s inspiring to “look up” …especially in the midst of a storm.
To Terrence:
I’m not certain of what the signicance is of all the numbers adding to 34 in the square is. The only thing that I can think of is it could be some reference to a number that appears in a verse from The Bible. Also interesting is the fact that a square & a triangle can be used to form the shape of a “house.” I can see your point regarding the detail in the Angels belt. True, the number 7 is regarded as a sacred number as is 8 because “on the 8th day (Sabboth) he rested. Notice how Drured included an hourglass next to the square as if to also make some point regarding the number 8, which is shaped like an hourglass. Also the number 8 in Hindu Astrology is designated to the planet Saturn which is associated with Chronos (God of time).
I wish the number 7 was as clearly defined. It appears to be associated with the act of Creation in some way (perhaps the building of a house?). In Hindu Astrology, the number 7 is associated with the Moon’s South Lunar Node referred to as Ketu, which brings up another interesting point you mentioned. When you hear the word “Ketu,” it sounds like “Key to …” A rectangle forms the shape of a door which the key is used to open. Whereas the number 7 is regarded as a “lucky” number, Ketu is only regarded as lucky from a “spiritual” standpoint, but brings “material poverty” from a material standpoint.
The number 3 (the triangle) is associated Jupiter, the planet of Fortune. Could this be a reference to the key? I’m really not sure because I’m mostly BS’ing my way through this whole thing. Ha Ha! But it is is true that 2 triangles form a square … A reverence to the dividers as some reference to the dividing line? Anyway, the number 4 (square or door) in Hindu Astology is associated with the Moon’s North Node Rahu, which is regarded as perhaps the most “unlucky” influence in Astrolgy. Interesting is the fact that when you hear & see the word “Rahu,” it reminds me of “Ray Who.” The starburst & the theme “melancholia ” remind me of Rahu in the sense that Rahu is associated with darkness, gloominess & mental disorders. So it’s almost as if you have this theme of 7 (the key), 4 (the door), & the 3 (the fortune which helps to unlock it).
Either that, or I’m on a BS roll! lol.
“Stairway to Heaven” (Zepplin) & Jacobs Ladder (Rush). lol. The lyrics to Jacobs Ladder are pretty cool. Thank u for mentioning the song. Actually, I have never heard it, but I’m about to. I grew up listening to Rush, and like a lot of their songs too. Pretty “mind-bending” lyrics, kind of like the starburst. Dark side of the Moon, baby! lol
Also sorry that it took so long for me to reply to both the posts. I almost forgot to check the posts to see if anyone “re-commented.” Also thanks, both of you, for responding to my post. What’s funny is that rarely happens to me & all of a sudden, twice in 1 day. Thanks again!
Jupiter is actually associated mainly with number 5 in a Rosacrucian context.
Also, to add to that, the numbers 3 and 4 ( which add up to 34)
3 = number of circular steps found on the ladder (Ziggernaut)
4 = each of the 2 sides (steps) of the perfectly balanced Ladder (not including the top or middle step).
“And on the 8th day, He (the number 7/God) rested.”
Notice that the number 7 is shaped like a “step” on the Ladder. “Rested” is a reference to the center of the Number 8, which divides the 2 circles (composing the number 8) as a reference to the center (middle) as the “top step” of the ladder. The dividers in Jacobs hands could be a compass. Likewise, an “Arc” can be thought of as representing one-half of a circle. Notice how there are “2 arcs” (steps) in the number 3, which represents half of the number 8 (in shape). Thus 3 arc steps + 3 arc steps = number 8 (in shape). The number 4 is composed of 3 lines, possibly a reference to the 3 steps of the ladder (on each side).
Surely, Mark, your not trying to tell us that the whole understanding of numbers might have had something to do with the understanding of a Ziggernaut? Hmmm … The more I think about it, the more I wonder.
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Thought some of you might like this… Will be fun to watch and see what it goes for…
“The order of 3 square (3×3) can demonstrate disharmony and melancholy”
This is probably because it’s the square of Saturn, and Saturn is associated with disharmony and melancholy. On the other hand, Saturn has other associations. I’m quite sure that it’s associated with the end of the journey, and the square of Saturn is used in the Royal Arch Mason ritual, though I’m still unclear about how.
The magic square of Durer can be reconstructed from only 8 numbers in the correct positions. If you read Dan Brown’s “The Lost Symbol” you may see why this is significant.
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Hello all and thank you for making this venue available to everyone.i have some questions/observations about the items on the floor and then one observation about the square.
first the floor.
These great mystery schools tend to not always but tend to lead to the mystery schools of Egypt. Durere does have a hidden reference to the gaza strip in another piece Christ descends into limbo. but another time for that. On the floor there are 3 representations of Egyptian icons used by the gods/royalty.
lets us start at the orb or sphere on the floor in front of the dog like creature. if everyone will notice the shackle or metal restraint to the right of the sphere, our right. now take your eyes over to the left drawing a straight line with your site just under the edge of the sphere. there is some type of right angle tool made of wood, it is much more than that, underneath and slightly left of the sphere. now combine the line that we all see now that goes from the left edge of the stair stepped right angle tool over to the right to the restraint or they may have been called irons. now add the woodworking tool that is meant for taking shaving and just down from the sphere and that creates an Ankh which is the same symbol for Crucifix, and the symbol for Venus and the alchemical symbol for copper as well as the gender symbol for female. this is visually documented in the web link below
And i will briefly describe the other two egyptian symbols.
just below the sphere and to the left there is a tool for right angles or for checking if something is plumb. this little stair step measuring tool is the headdress of isis. when isis, and is thought to represent the throne but the likeness to the thrones used by Isis and Osiris barely resembles the headdress of isis, but there is something the headdress does resemble and that is the most upper part of Ishtar’s gate which is also documented at the web link.
The third symbol from the Egyptians can be found by locating the
magic square then take our eyes straight down almost at the very bottom and we will see 4 nails or what might appear to be woodworking tools. they are also the was staff used in egypt to denote power and control. please see the documented visual data here: