The Lamp with Four Keys armchair treasure hunt is now in progress. However, like many armchair hunts, they do take time, and so it isn’t too late to get started! Lamps can be purchased from Chicken Jungle (link at end of article). Join the adventures!
To summarize this treasure hunt for those just being introduced to the puzzle, the Lamp is macramé with colorful beads, dangling cords, and beautiful tied knots and patterns. While it is a workable and extraordinary Lamp of itself, it is within these intricate designs the puzzles are found.
As the name suggests, there are Four Keys to find within the Lamp. The first person to solve each of these Four Keys will receive a prize of $100 cash. The final puzzle is worth $1000 cash. To solve the final puzzle each of the four hidden Keys must be found first. A person could win up to $1400 Cash!
The First Key has been found by a few searchers as of this writing.
Many clues were given to searchers to ‘find the First Key’. The Clues to the First Key are shared below. These are followed by some of the comments Laura (the creator of the hunt) has given to offer guidance. All of this information, and more, is found on the MW Forum, and Chicken Jungle’s Facebook Page, but I gather them here for convenience.
The Starter Puzzle: Given upon purchase of Lamp

Follow-up Clues to find the First Key:
Clue 1:

Clue 2:

Bonus Clue:

—You should consider the clue below- together with the clue from above. And also consider it together with the solution from the Starter Puzzle. The roundup missed two. But one of the cowboys has a double. Where do you also see exactly one extra?

From using the Lamp, the Starter Puzzle, and the above posted Clues, (and bonus clue in Video), the First Key was solved by a few searchers (congrats to Brain P. and Beth H for being the first and claim the prize).
There were many comments made by Laura McKey throughout releasing the clues. It is best to go through the Chicken Jungle Facebook Page or MW Forum for those comments, but below is a general comment on the clues given that I include here:
To make it easier for you to know when you are on the right track, I will go ahead and say this — the message hidden in the colored boxes in Clue 1 is a 12-letter phrase. And the message in the top part of Clue 2 is a 6-letter word. (The top part in Cue 2 has the main message, this 6-letter word, and the other things help illustrate what this 6-letter word is referring to.)
Clue 1, Clue 2 and the Bonus Clue all point to one thing in the lamp, a particular pattern of beads and knots that hold the First Key. The clues all point the things you have to do to solve the Key in this particular pattern of beads and knots.
There are two things I want to show in Clue 1. First, I want to show what color the First Key is, so that people would be less confused about exactly where to start….by showing the order of the Keys by their color. That’s the reason for the colored letters….that’s the easy part. The other thing I want Clue 1 to do is to point to the method for solving the First Key, using the Starter Puzzle solution. If you can find the 12-letter phrase that is in the colored boxes, using the Starter Puzzle solution, you are really close to solving the First Key.
I added the black-and-white hint for Clue 1 to show that you don’t have to fill the “empty” colored boxes with anything….you only use what is there. The black-and-white hint is supposed to help you understand something about the “empty” colored boxes. The message of the letters in the white boxes tells you one thing, and there is something else the letters are showing you, and I think I made it pretty easy to see. Then if you understand what that is, you will understand how to use the colored boxes. And from there, you can do the same thing with the pattern in the lamp, using the same method (although with different elements).
But probably the hardest thing to figure out is how to use the Starter Puzzle solution.. It’s something that I don’t think people see yet, but once you see it, it makes a lot of sense. I put some hints about it in the Starter Puzzle and in Clue 1. You won’t be able to see the 12-letter phrase from the colored boxes in Clue 1 until you figure out how to use the Starter Puzzle solution.
Clue 2 and the Bonus Clue are easier to understand than the colored boxes in Clue 1. If you think maybe you have found the right way to do the colored boxes in Clue 1,, you should see confirmers for your method in Clue 2 and the Bonus Clue.
People have asked if I would be able to confirm the answers to the clues if they sent them to me. I can’t do that, because then I’d have to do it for everyone. But the 6-letter message in Clue 2 is very easy to see, and there are confirmers for it in the Bonus Clue. I’m trying to put confirmers in all the extra clues, to help people see whether they’re on the right track.
Best of luck with all you seek! Always Treasure the Adventure!