The Unicornis Manuscripts great stoneIn the treasure hunt for the silver bound Spiral Horn of The Unicornis Manuscripts by Michael Green (AmberLotus Publishing, 2008), the following lines of a poem are found:

“Seek the Great Stone! Mark it well, with a sign,
That the one who shall follow
Shall see it is mine,
And, seeing, shall ponder and certainly know
As the Ancients have writ: “As Above, So Below.”

I am sure most working on the hunt feel the above lines indicate it is a Great Stone, marked not with an X, but a special sign from The Unicornis Manuscripts, that marks the spot of the Spiral Horn.  Where this mark is on the Great Stone (above the ground) is most likely indicating exactly where to dig for the buried silver treasure, below the ground.

Well, Michael Green has so graciously shared an image of the Great Stone and its sign. It is a Spiral.   It is the following Spiral found on THEE Great Stone of the hunt (also shown above):

The Great Stone Spiral of the Unicornis Manuscripts by Michael Green

My family and I had recently searched Promised Land State Park for the Spiral Horn and had found a large stone where we felt it could have been buried.  There wasn’t a mark on the stone, but there were things we loved about the location that we shared our search with Mr. Green.  I had sent him a very brief email about our search and included two images we had taken of the stone and place we liked.

He was so thoughtful to reply back and include two images of the actual Great Stone for us to share with others!

Sure, we may have been a little disappointed our stone was not the one, but how uplifting and exciting to set eyes on thee ‘Great Stone’ with the Spiral mark.  I have to say it is wonderful to KNOW what to look for.  Even though many of us were looking for something very similar, this confirmation is nice to have.

I thoroughly appreciate Mr. Green sharing the image with us.  It is amazing to know the above Great Stone, with the Horn buried beside, waits to be found.  You can see the water beneath the Spiral in the one picture.  For those not familiar with the hunt, the Great Stone at one time rested on land beside a body of water.  It is believed the Great Stone now may be surrounded by water because beavers had built dam in the area which raised this body of water.   The Horn then rests not only underground, but underwater.

No matter, the hunt is real and active, and I wish you all the best of luck!


  1. Pingback: Searching for the Silver Spiral Horn of The Unicornis Manuscripts » Mysterious Writings

  2. Seek the Great Stone! Mark it well, with a sign,
    That the one who shall follow
    Shall see it is mine

    This sounds to me like it’s instructing the first person that finds the Spiral Horn to put a sign on the stone it’s buried under, so that the next person that finds the spot will know it’s the right one, even if there is no Spiral Horn there any more.

    Maria Rigel

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