Busch Beer has teamed up with the National Forest Foundation to offer an exciting challenge to anyone enjoying the great outdoors! They plan to mark 10 trees across the states (and maybe even Alaska) with special Medallions for someone to find.
Clues to the Medallions and their hidden locations will be released on Busch’s social media channels. This was to begin on September 18th, 2018, but due to a delay caused by the Hurricane, Florence, over the Carolinas, clues are forthcoming. More details and official rules on the hunt are also said to be forthcoming (according to a ‘Live Chat’ Q/A session on 9/19 with a Busch Beer agent).

I suppose we’ll just be ready……and waiting!
The Busch Beer Medallion Hunt is part of a wider partnering with the National Forest Foundation. Currently going on, from September 3, 2018 through December 31, 2018, Busch will donate 1 cent to the National Forest Foundation for every specially marked package of Busch and Busch Light sold (up to $175,00).
On the Busch.com website, they share some important facts about the National Forest Foundation to its readers. It’s a non-profit organization working to protect and sustain 193 million acres of national forests. There are over 148,000 thousand miles of hiking trails within these lands.
And it is on these hiking trails where the Medallions are said to be hidden.
So… You might want some clues if you are planning on searching for the Medallions.
Busch suggests you follow them on their social media channels to not miss out on the clues being provided. These will help you narrow down and discover the 10 special trees!
OH! And what will you receive if you find one of these Medallions? A full year free of Busch Beer! Now whether you drink beer or not, it will still be great fun to get out and look for the Medallions. You can enjoy catching the clues and searching for the marked trees while being out and about in the beautiful great outdoors! Have fun!
Please feel free to join the MW Forum for updates and discussions on the Busch Beer Medallion Hunt!
See you there – or maybe on one of the trails across the states!
Best of luck with all that you seek! Always Treasure the Adventure!
This just in, Mysterious Writings is partnering with the National Forrest Foundation to raise awareness about polluted trout streams. J/K, although that would be a cool project.
Thanks PL289… Love it! Maybe soon! 🙂
This sounds like fun.
I’m on this. Free breakfast for a year???
Who could pass that up.
This sounds fun. A full year of beer? What would I possibly do with 365 kegs of beer?
I think I’d have to limit myself to one glass per day…
The search area sounds nearly impossible…especially while drinking. :/
“148,000 thousand miles of hiking trails…”. Woah. That’s like 148 million miles! *wink* (I like to tease.)
Thanks, Jenny
P.S. Busch Gardens. Because nothing goes together better than beer…and…roller coasters?
1 found in the Galena forest park, Off Mt Rose hiway Nevada. This is on the edge of suburban S. Reno. a very HAPy find.