the bookshop treasure hunt

What is The Bookshop: A Treasure Hunt?

The Bookshop treasure hunt is an armchair treasure hunt book with clues to claim a treasure.

Key Points:

  • Release October 5, 2014 (National Bookshop Day)
  • Clues within a book ($16.43- Available on Amazon)
  • Fully Armchair (all can be claimed and solved from home)
  • Treasure valued at $500
  • No end date

Learn more in the MW’s Six Questions with the Creators

Follow The hunt’s Instagram page

the bookshop a treasure hunt

What Type of Clues and Puzzles are in The Bookshop: A Treasure Hunt?

In Six Questions with Quill, Compass, and Shadow the creators had this to say:

We designed puzzles across all levels and styles so that it would appeal to a wide audience. We believe anyone has a chance to win. We encourage our readers to enjoy the book and the range of puzzles we have created for them. Like many puzzle books, you will need to use the solves made along the way to complete the final step of the journey to win the treasure. We hope everyone will enjoy that challenge.

Any Tips on How to Solve the Treasure Clues?

Yes, in the Six Questions with the creators they offered these suggestions:

Quill: Each puzzle and hunt has its own personality and style, but they do involve educating yourself on creative ways to encode information and give clues. Explore as many as possible. I personally feel the more a hunt entertains you and gives you a fun ride, the better. Hopefully, The Bookshop will do that for readers.

Compass: Each hunt is different. If the hunt is part of a book, read the book through first without the hunt in mind. Then go back and read it again with a treasure hunting mind. I like to organize the clues in a spreadsheet and then try to find the connections. 

Shadow: Hmmm, what can one say? I think a puzzle is only as good as the hints it holds. I like paper and pencil.