the bookshop treasure hunt

The Bookshop Six Questions:

The Bookshop: A Treasure Hunt releases October 5th – National Bookshop Day. How exciting!  The book invites readers to explore a mysterious bookshop and discover a secret! The first person who deciphers the clues and puzzles within the book can claim a treasure valued at over $500!

Inspired by treasure hunts of the past and created by a trio of dedicated puzzlers in the hobby of armchair treasure hunting, The Bookshop is sure to be an adventure – Not to miss! The fun has actually already begun – Check out their Instagram page!

Let’s learn more:

  • 1Q) Hi Quill, Compass, and Shadow! Thanks for participating in this MW Six Questions! Please tell us what inspired you to create the hunt and how to get started on- The Bookshop: A Treasure Hunt!

Hi Jenny, the three of us collaborated on several treasure hunts in the past. Then last year Quill came up with the brilliant idea to create one of our own because we all love puzzles so much and enjoy the puzzle and treasure hunting communities. Compass and Shadow fell in love with Quill’s idea immediately.  The inspiration for the book itself comes from our love of independent bookstores and wanting to celebrate the importance of reading and supporting our local, independently owned bookshops. PS. None of us own a bookshop if you were wondering.

  • 2Q) Staying anonymous might cause some hesitation to get involved. Why do you want to stay anonymous and what would you say to those concerns?

We totally understand the hesitation, but don’t be afraid. The primary reason we would like to stay anonymous is for privacy. Many people are passionate about treasure hunting, and some will go to the point of researching the authors and invade their personal life. Our hunt has nothing to do with our personal lives and knowing anything about us will not give the hunters an advantage with our book. We are not strangers to the community though and hope our anonymity brings a little mystery and fun to the hunt. 😉

  • 3Q) As treasure hunters yourselves what do like most about the hobby of armchair treasure hunting? What is your favorite treasure hunt to date, and why?

Quill: Armchair treasure hunting is a great way to just learn about all kinds of obscure things, explore the world from your computer, and is a great way to meet new people. It’s really hard to pick one favorite, but I’d have to go back to the original – Masquerade – which is why that is included as one of the items in the treasure box.

Compass:  Armchair treasure hunting is great because it gives me the ability to solve puzzles in the convenience anywhere and at any time, whether it’s a few minutes after dinner, or during a break while I’m on a work trip. I’ve enjoyed so many hunts, but among the top are The Secret, The Treasure Hunt Guys, Beacon Star and Cracked. I love the cleverness and unique design of each of these hunts.  

Shadow: Visualizing how the pieces fit together and weighing it against feasibility and practicality, is my favorite. The Secret, of course!

  • 4Q) From the cover of the book being a puzzle to solve itself, it would seem the book might be all codes and ciphers. If someone isn’t good at those things, like can’t even solve the cover, what advice would you have for them? Does one have to be good at codes and ciphers for a chance to win?

We want our hunters to enjoy the a-ha moments and have fun from the very minute you see the book. The cover is not essential to solve but is helpful to understand the design of the book. The three of us have different styles and that is reflected in the book. There are literally puzzles created by Quill, by Compass, and by Shadow, and you can read more into that than just our pen names.

We designed puzzles across all levels and styles so that it would appeal to a wide audience. We believe anyone has a chance to win. We encourage our readers to enjoy the book and the range of puzzles we have created for them. Like many puzzle books, you will need to use the solves made along the way to complete the final step of the journey to win the treasure. We hope everyone will enjoy that challenge.

  • 5Q) How long do you feel the hunt will last? Are all the clues within the book needed to find a solution and claim the treasure? Or do you plan on giving out additional clues, like there are on your Instagram?

It is hard to say how long, but if we were to guess we would say less than a year. All the clues are within the book. If we feel the community is stuck, we may give additional clues on our Instagram page.

  • 6Q) Can you offer any tips or tricks to searchers on how to solve treasure hunts? For instance, what resources do you find helpful and use? How do you go about solving hunts? Etc.?

Quill: Each puzzle and hunt has its own personality and style, but they do involve educating yourself on creative ways to encode information and give clues. Explore as many as possible. I personally feel the more a hunt entertains you and gives you a fun ride, the better. Hopefully, The Bookshop will do that for readers.

Compass: Each hunt is different. If the hunt is part of a book, read the book through first without the hunt in mind. Then go back and read it again with a treasure hunting mind. I like to organize the clues in a spreadsheet and then try to find the connections. 

Shadow: Hmmm, what can one say? I think a puzzle is only as good as the hints it holds. I like paper and pencil.


Quill, Compass, and Shadow have provided a book for MW to giveaway!  Thank you!

Who wants it?

The book will be given away in a random drawing –

To enter the random drawing share what your favorite book of all time is (doesn’t have to be an armchair treasure hunt book) on either the MW Forum’s Bookshop Giveaway section or on Discord’s Bookshop’s- Giveaway Drawing Section by 9/30! If you comment in both places – double entry! Winner of book will be announced 10/1!