The Masquerade Tribute makes another powerful impact by donating over $3500 to four charities. The 2022 Tribute was released on 3/20/22. Today marks the one month anniversary of this event. Of the Six Different Hunts involved, only ONE remains yet to be solved.
Since it is the last hunt, the winner of The Quest will not only receive the treasures of that particular hunt, but also the bonus treasure prize. Together, the treasure prizes for the last 2022 Tribute hunt values over $500 dollars.
Anyone can still take up the challenge of the hunt by donating a minimum of $19.79 to gain access to the Hunt’s clues and documents.
Congrats to all the winners of the hunts to date!
Instead of waiting to the end of all hunts, I wanted to get the amount currently donated sent in to the charities. Any additional donations will be sent in at the 2022 Tribute’s Close -which will be by 12/31/22- or hopefully sooner. It will be when The Quest is solved.
Thank you for being part of this great community and giving so generously!
(receipts of donations)