Finding Treasure by Don Luenser

Finding Treasure: A Treasure Tale shared by Don Luenser Sometimes you just have a feeling.  It starts to occupy all your thought.  You look around and try to imagine what it was like back then…perhaps thousands of years ago.  You are sure it was quite different than in the present …

Searching for Treasures from Space

Exploring for lost treasures, ancient civilizations, hidden knowledge, and forgotten places or artifacts is an exciting endeavor! Realizing that around the next corner of research, an amazing discovery could be revealed, encourages a searcher to keep on! And even though one never knows what might be found, possibilities always exist! …

Lost Treasure Discovered: 1887 Faberge Egg Realized to be Millions after Searching on Google

I love the story of the discovery of the 1887 Faberge Egg.  Not only does it prove lost treasures can still be found in today times, but it causes a person to seriously think and appreciate what makes a treasure a treasure. Many times, maybe most times, a treasure is …

Forrest Fenn Poem Facts

Although I have previously written a post called, Forrest Fenn Treasure Facts, which includes the known facts surrounding Forrest Fenn’s hidden treasure, I haven’t written one specifically on the known facts surrounding just the Poem. I realize they are similar.  But as more statements by Forrest Fenn are being made and Questions …