A Demon, a Stone, and the Aspirant

The following article is an exceptional premise presented by guest writer Hayward Gladwin. Hayward skillfully outlines correlations found within the mysterious church of Rennes le Chateau to that of Freemasonry, key paintings, and more. His research is powerfully conveyed and will leave you with an intriguing perspective to respect. Hayward …

The Mystery of Rennes le Chateau

Rennes le Chateau is a tiny village in the south of France with an incredibly rich history.  Because of this, the remote hilltop, and the surrounding area, is full of fantastic tales of lost treasure, dangerous secrets, and hidden messages.  To what degree Truth rests in these accounts is not …

The Cross-Fire

The symbol of the cross is known to have ancient origins and various meanings throughout time.  It is one of the most widely known images.  But, what does the cross mean to you?  What does it mean to others?  Why does a simple depiction of two lines, one vertical and …

The Symbol on the Cover of the Maranatha-Et in Arcadia Ego Puzzle Book

The symmetry presented in the symbol on the cover of the Maranatha-Et in Arcadia Ego puzzle book is clearly noticed. Initiating a sense of reflection, puzzlers contemplated its purpose.  Some saw battle axe’s, while others detected dimensions of sacred geometry. Chosen to be the one central and key image for …