Thanks to all who participated in this hunt, and all of the Series Two Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion Treasure Hunts.
Congrats goes to John R. He has won the drawing from all correct submissions for the Forrest Fenn Gold Medallion Treasure Hunt #5! This ends Series Two of these treasure hunts. But more is to come- so stay tuned! Follow MW on their many channels for updates!
Below is the solution to FFGM Treasure Hunt #5. First, here was the Puzzle of the hunt, which was fully armchair:

A hint was given below this puzzle of:
HINT: Go to LINK on notepad…..(it’s here: )
What could the numbers be? TimeMarks? What might the letters be? First letter of words? What might X spell?
The answer was found by watching the video of the link. At those numbered timemarks, it was noticed that first letter of words would match each ‘code’. The X would be replaced by the first letter missing within those matching string of words.
For instance: 0.23 ~ sii[x]wa on the notepad matched the words in the Video at timemark 0.23 of: ‘….solution is in [Conflict] with any’……
C is then the first Letter. Continue on to reveal CHIMNEY ROCK.
This was the answer that needed submitted to be entered into the drawing! Congrats to John R….. and thanks to all who participated!
Best of luck with all that you seek! Always Treasure the Adventure!