The Treasure of Forrest Fenn was announced found on June 6, 2020. Dal Neitzel had searched for the treasure since it’s first release in 2010. What are some thoughts about it being found? (if you’d like to participate in the Six Questions, please send your answers to info@thechaselegacy.com)
- 1Q) When and What inspired you to first begin the Chase?
I first learned of Forrest while searching for historic shipwrecks off the coast of Uruguay with Forrest’s nephew, Crayton. When we returned from that expedition I started watching Forrest’s website because he was offering some of the magnificent items from his collection of Native American artifacts for purchase. Not that I could ever afford them but the photos were beautiful and I have always been deeply attracted to prehistoric and historic artifacts and Forrest’s were some of the best. He also had a few of his stories posted on his website and they were fun to read. Occasionally a new story would show up.
In the fall of 2010 I was still watching Forrest’s website when the poem showed up there, his book TTOTC was announced along with a note from Forrest daring the reader to go find his treasure. I sent for his book and started working on a solution. By spring of 2011 I had the solution worked out and knew exactly where Forrest hid the chest…so I went after it. Headed for the Rio Grande Gorge..but I was very wrong…no chest…as I was wrong again another 80 or so times out searching…but boy!…it sure was fun.
- 2Q) Had you expected the Treasure to be found in 2020? What did you feel when Forrest announced it was found?
I was completely taken by surprise with Forrest’s announcement. Disbelief was my first reaction…I thought perhaps I had been hoaxed by someone claiming to be Forrest…so I checked with him before I believed it…
- 3Q) Where do you feel the Treasure was found? Did you feel confident of a location? Do you feel you had some clues solved?
I like to think it was somewhere near Forrest’s summer stomping ground not far from West Yellowstone. I never felt confident in any search area after the first one. I just had fun exploring and searching.
- 4Q) What did you enjoy or what will you miss most about the Chase?
The company of fellow searchers and the friendly, “pseudo-competition” between us.
- 5Q) Looking back on the Chase, what do you feel you learned about yourself?
That I enjoy the hunt…
- 6Q) Is there something you’d like to say to Forrest or want him to know?
That I genuinely had a grand time searching and solving and I can’t think of a better way to have spent the past nine years…