project skydrop gold sculpture

What is Project Skydrop?

Project Skydrop by Jason Rohrer is a hunt for a golden treasure (shown above). Currently, (as of this writing) it sits somewhere on the forest floor. In the wide open. There are two different types of clues being released to find the treasure. Public and Private. The hunt is expected to last less than 21 days.

What are the Project Skydrop Clues?

There are clues given to the public, and also private clues given to only those who sign up for more. For $20, you can receive the private clues.

The public clues involve a shrinking circle on a map of the area where the treasure is located. A new circle is released each morning at 9AM EST – on the hunt’s website – Project Skydrop.  Each day the circle gets smaller, until finally, on day 21 it is less than a foot wide. Pinpointing the exact spot. The hunt is not expected to last that long.

The private clues – NOT TO BE SHARED – are sent to participants. Each day, according to when searchers signed up, an aerial view of the location is sent to them. Each clue gets higher and higher, revealing more of the landscape, helping to identify the location of the gold treasure. These clues will most likely identify the spot long before the shrinking circle on the map.

Here is an example of two of the PUBLIC CLUEs. Day 1 and day 2.  Please visit website for further clues – Hunt’s Website.

project skydrop clues map

What is the Treasure of Project Skydrop?

The hunt is for a gold sculpture valued at over $25,000. Currently it is sitting on the forest floor.

The treasure prize also includes a growing bounty. $10 for each participant is added into the pot. The more that join, the bigger this prize becomes.

Who is Jason Rohrer?

Jason is a game designer and developer. He has a wikipedia page giving you all the details.

He’s all about getting people to have fun!

Join discussions on the MW Discord, or Forum (no posting of private clues)