National treasure quest treasure hunts

What are The National Treasure Quest treasure hunts?

The National Treasure Quest website offers treasure hunts for an official NTQ Medallion. Clues are given over a period of one year to the location of a hidden NTQ Medallion. If you find the official NTQ Medallion, you can claim the treasure for that state. Multiple hunts are in progress right now!

So if you’re looking for adventures – in either Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Arkansas, Utah, or Louisiana – or all of those states, The NTQ has you covered! Kansas and Oklahoma offer cash bounties each of $10,000. Medallions hidden in the other states offer a current bounty of $1000.

Let’s learn more about these hunts via Six Questions with the creator!

Six Questions with Kevin:

  • 1Q) Thank you for participating in MW’s Six Questions! How long has NTQ been going on and what inspired you to create these treasure hunts for searchers to enjoy? 

The National Treasure Quest has been hiding medallions since the beginning of 2021. The founders were Forest Fenn treasure hunters and enjoyed “The Thrill of the Chase.” The Fenn treasure accomplished it’s objective…get people outdoors. This quest will do the same. 

  • 2Q) What are the treasures to claim and how can a person get started on one of the NTQ’s hunts? 

The National Treasure Quest has hidden 14 medallions. Six medallions have been found resulting in $38,500 dollars worth of awards paid. Those interested in an outdoor adventure can sign up for any number of Quests on the website

  • 3Q) Had you personally worked on other Treasure Hunts before creating NTQ? What key elements do you feel a treasure hunt should include, or not include? 

The founder was an active participant in the Forest Fenn treasure hunt and is currently working on “The Secret: A treasure Hunt.” Modern day treasure hunts should require minimal effort to access the hiding spot (no climbing, scaling, rappelling, digging, or any other dangerous activity), they should be on public land, they should not be buried but hidden. 

  • 4Q) Do you feel your hunts require more code breaking skills or imagination to solve? What advice or tips would you give a brand-new person into the hobby of treasure hunting?

 The NTQ medallions include very little code breaking requirements to solve. They do require a great deal of research involving geographical, historical, and some mathematic skills. A good piece of advice to our new members…all clues are linear, all clues are on or near hiking trails, and the treasure is hidden.  

  • 5Q) For NTQ hunts, can all clues be solved from home – that once a searcher is BOTG it is just a matter of retrieval? Or are there clues still to be solved once on site? 

The NTQ medallions can be found through research. Research allows our treasure questers to narrow their search grid down to an ever-shrinking location. At some point, the quester will have to be onsite to finish out the quest. 

  • 6Q) Can you walk us through one of your successful hunts – what were the clues and how was it solved? 

If you want to know how to solve a quest, why not hear from the experts:

Go to our website and subscribe, We will soon have our first Missouri video up to be followed by our first Texas winner.