Since 1906, Diamonds have been found just lying on the surface at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. The 37.5 acre field of the park allows the public to come search for diamonds by sifting through the top layers of dirt. These valuable diamonds were pushed atop the ground from a volcanic eruption that happened millions of years ago.  Multiple treasures have been found, and You could be the next person to find one!

Just this last Halloween it was reported a 4.49 Carat canary yellow diamond was found, the third largest of the year at the park. Steven McCool was sifting through his 11th bucket of the day when he came across the treasure. 

It was only a month before, in September, when it was reported Kevin Kinard found his treasure there!  This diamond was over 9 Carats and was the second largest found since 1972.  Kevin had mentioned he was there for only about 10 minutes, and while walking along the plowed rows of soil, he spotted something shiny. It turned out to be the beautiful raw diamond.

And in June, a couple months before, the same thing happened. Beatrice Watkins told the park news, “I was searching with my daughter and granddaughters when I picked it up. I thought it was shiny…”  This diamond was over 2 carats.

The diamonds found at the park can value from hundreds, to thousands, even tens of thousands, of dollars, depending on the diamonds exact makeup.

The largest ever found diamond in the US was actually found at the Crater of Diamonds in 1924. It was over 40 carats and called the Uncle Sam.

One of the rarest diamonds was found in 1990 by Shirly Strawn. It is a colorless, internally flawless diamond of around 3 carats.  It was cut to around 1 carat, and because of its high quality, is valued at around $50,000. It is on display at the Park.

Valuable diamonds could be found by anyone in search for them, on any given day. They are treasures waiting to be found!

Will you find one?